Web Connect How To : Show Me the Code!

 LAFOX Home How URL Maps to Code  LAFOX Design Oveview  Framework Extensions 
*Home.prg #INCLUDE WCONNECT.H DEFINE CLASS HOME AS rbPage ** Merge Variables For HTML Page ** rbPage Properties can be merged into our HTML template UserGroupHeader = [] UserGroupFooter = [] * OkToReWriteURL = .F. && Even if there is no cookie && Don't re-write the url to include SessionID ********************************************************** ** PUBLIC Functions ** Visible from the URL ** These functions are called by the Browser ********************************************************** ********************************************************** ** Show the main page ** Show next meeting ** Browser's URL calls this function ********************************************************** FUNCTION PAGE() ** Load up the header and footer ** OC and LA Fox have different messages ** but we want to use the same template file, home.htm THIS.UserGroupHeader = THIS.MergeToString([UserGroupHeaderFragment.htm]) THIS.UserGroupFooter = THIS.MergeToString([UserGroupFooterFragment.htm]) ******************************************************************************* ** DataSetup() and MeetingHTML() do most of the work (below - in this prg) ** Data manipulation and HTML generation should always be separate! ******************************************************************************* THIS.DataSetup() ** Create Dynamic Content for the Page THIS.Content = THIS.MeetingHTML() ** ok now merge template and content together ** (rbPage::Merge is like Rick's Response::ExpandTemplate) THIS.Merge("Home.htm") && This.Merge() sends page back to user ** cleanup - don't leave the cursor open THIS.CloseCursor('qResult') ENDFUNC
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This.Page() handles the web hit.
Notice that this is just a supervisor function, and calls very little native VFP code.

Keep Data handling separate from HTML generation.
If you mix data and HTML your code will be an awful mess.

Our basic template pages have placeholders for:

FUNCTION SetCookie ** A small dummy page to just set the cookie ** and then send the user to /home.page.fox?SessionID=_70R14HPXD LOCAL lcHTML lcHTML = [] ** HTTP Headers (Not visible in Browser / View Source) Response.Writeln([HTTP/1.1 200 OK]) Response.Writeln([Content-type: text/html]) Response.Writeln([Expires: 0]) && Force reload Response.Writeln([Set-Cookie: SessionID=]+Process.SessionID+[; path=/] ) Response.Writeln('') ** Write the page to look like ** the top of the LAFox, etc. pages ** the image is a link so search engines can follow it. lcHTML = lcHTML+[<html>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[<head>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0.1;URL=/home.page.fox?SessionID=_70R14HPXD">] lcHTML = lcHTML+[<title></title>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[</head>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[<body>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[<!-- Housekeeping - setting sessionid -->] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[</body>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[</html>] + CRLF Response.Writeln(lcHTML) ENDFUNC ****************************************************************** ** Hidden Functions Below ** Cannot be called by the Browser (that is why they are HIDDEN) ****************************************************************** **************************************************************** ** Set up data for page **************************************************************** HIDDEN PROCEDURE DataSetup() LOCAL ldDate ldDate = DATE() ** Get the next meeting SELECT TOP 1 mdate, bctopic, bcdescript, ; mt, mtdescript, ; bSpeaker AS bcspeaker, ; mSpeaker AS mtspeaker ; FROM (Site.DataPath + "Meetings.dbf") ; LEFT OUTER JOIN (Site.DataPath + "Speaker.dbf") AS BEGIN ON BEGIN.speakerid = bspeakerid ; LEFT OUTER JOIN (Site.DataPath + "Speaker.dbf") AS MAIN ON MAIN.speakerid = mspeakerid ; ORDER BY mdate ; WHERE mdate >= ldDate ; INTO CURSOR qResult NOFILTER READWRITE ** in case of nulls in speaker names SELECT qResult REPLACE bcspeaker WITH [] FOR ISNULL(bcspeaker) REPLACE mtspeaker WITH [] FOR ISNULL(mtspeaker) GO TOP && REPLACE FOR left us at EOF() ENDPROC *************************************************************************** ** MeetingHTML() ** Set up HTML Table Listing Upcoming Meetings for the page ** ** We could use Rick's wwShowCursor or our DataGrid class ** but here we want a custom layout ** - so lets just hand-code the HTML ** ** It is easier than it looks - Use FrontPage for the design ** and steal FrontPage's HTML ** ** Then use Web-Connect's Text Wrapper tool ** to turn the HTML into VFP code *************************************************************************** HIDDEN FUNCTION MeetingHTML() ** LAFox No longer meets RETURN [] ** LAFox No longer meets LOCAL lcHTML STORE [] TO lcHTML IF RECCOUNT("qResult") > 0 SELECT qResult lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="610" id="AutoNumber1">] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="150" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">]+TRANSFORM(mdate)+[</td>] + CRLF IF EMPTY(ALLTRIM(bctopic+bcspeaker+bcdescript)) lcHTML = lcHTML+[ </tr>] + CRLF ELSE lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="650" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="2"><b>Jump Start</b></td>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ </tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="150" rowspan="5">&nbsp;</td>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="250" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">]+bctopic+[</td>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="400" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">]+bcspeaker+[</td>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ </tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="650" colspan="2">]+bcdescript+[</td>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ </tr>] + CRLF ENDIF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="650" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="2"><b>Main Topic</b></td>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ </tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="250" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">]+mt+[</td>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="400" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">]+mtspeaker+[</td>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ </tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ <td width="650" colspan="2">]+mtdescript+[</td>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ </tr>] + CRLF lcHTML = lcHTML+[ </table>] + CRLF ELSE ** Did we find anything? ** Either way, we must send back a page lcHTML = [So long, and thanks for all the fish.] ENDIF RETURN lcHTML ENDFUNC && MeetingHTML() ENDDEFINE && Home
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