Web Connect How To : Show Me the Code!

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*Participant.prg #include WCONNECT.H DEFINE CLASS Participant as rbPage PageTitle = "Enter Attendee Information" oEventData = .NULL. Payments_ID = [NEW] FUNCTION Page This.Content = [<p align = "center"><br><br><b>IMPORTANT MESSAGE:</b><br><br>Please fill out all 5 pages of registration.<br>]+; [Page 5 says "Done!"<br><br>] +; [<a href="/Participant.Signup.fox?SessionID=_71P0SACUM">Continue Registration</a></p><br><br><br>] This.Merge("TemplatePage.htm") EndFunc Function Signup LOCAL lcEvents_id, lcParticipants_ID STORE [] TO lcEvents_id, lcParticipants_ID lcEvents_id = SessionVars.Globals.Get("Events_ID","ERROR") lcParticipants_ID = Request.QueryString("Participants_ID") IF EMPTY(lcParticipants_ID) lcParticipants_ID = [NEW] ENDIF IF lcEvents_id = "ERROR" Response.Redirect("/ChooseEvent.Page.fox?SessionID=_71P0SACUM") Return ENDIF This.Payments_ID = SessionVars.Globals.Get("Payments_ID", "NEW") IF This.Payments_ID = [ORDERISPROCESSED] SessionVars.Globals.Set("Payments_ID","NEW") ENDIF This.oEventData = This.DataObject("Events","Events_ID",lcEvents_ID) This.oData = This.DataObject("Participants","Participants_id",lcParticipants_ID) ** Choose the conference that the user already indicated if this is a new record ** if it is not a new record - leave it alone IF lcParticipants_ID = [NEW] This.oData.events_id = lcEvents_ID ENDIF This.Content = This.MergeToString("Participant.htm") This.Merge("TemplatePage.htm") ENDFUNC FUNCTION Submit LOCAL lcPaymentsID, lcEvents_ID lcPaymentsID = SessionVars.Globals.Get("Payments_ID","NEW") This.oData = This.ReadForm("Participants","Participants_id") lcEvents_ID = Request.Form("Events_ID") SessionVars.Globals.Set("Events_ID",lcEvents_ID) IF EMPTY(lcPaymentsID) OR lcPaymentsID == [NEW] If not Used("Payments") USE (Site.DataPath+"Payments") IN 0 SHARED EndIf SELECT Payments APPEND BLANK SessionVars.Globals.Set("Payments_ID", Payments.Payments_ID) ENDIF This.oData.Payments_ID = SessionVars.Globals.Get("Payments_ID", "ERROR") This.ValidateDuplicateParticipants() This.GetCurrentPriceID(lcEvents_ID) IF This.Validate() AND This.Save("Participants","Participants_id",This.oData) Response.Redirect("ParticipantSummary.Page.fox?SessionID=_71P0SACUM") ELSE ** Validation failed ** so re-show the page lcEvents_id = SessionVars.Globals.Get("Events_ID","ERROR") This.oEventData = This.DataObject("Events","Events_ID",lcEvents_ID) This.Content = This.MergeToString("Participant.htm") This.Merge("TemplatePage.htm") ENDIF ENDFUNC HIDDEN Function GetCurrentPriceID(tcEvents_ID) LOCAL lcEvents_ID LOCAL loData, loEventData loEventData = This.DataObject("Events","Events_ID",tcEvents_ID) SELECT * from (Site.Datapath+"EventsPriceSchedule") WHERE Events_ID = tcEvents_ID AND end_dt >= DATE() INTO CURSOR qResult SELECT qResult GO Top STORE amount TO this.oData.amount STORE eventpriceschedule_id TO this.oData.eventpriceschedule_id USE IN (SELECT('qResults')) ENDFUNC FUNCTION Validate() This.ErrorMessage = [] This.AddConditionalError(EMPTY(This.oData.First), "First Name must not be empty") This.AddConditionalError(EMPTY(This.oData.Last), "Last Name must not be empty") This.AddConditionalError(EMPTY(This.oData.Email), "Email must not be empty") This.AddConditionalError(EMPTY(This.oData.HomePhone+This.oData.WorkPhone+This.oData.CellPhone+This.oData.Fax), "Please fill in at least one phone #") RETURN EMPTY(This.ErrorMessage) ENDFUNC ** If there is a participant record ** with the same Payments_ID and the same first and last name ** don't create a duplicate record! FUNCTION ValidateDuplicateParticipants() This.OpenAndSelect("Participants") IF NOT EMPTY(This.oData.First) AND NOT EMPTY(This.oData.Last) LOCATE FOR ; Payments_ID = This.oData.Payments_ID AND ; ALLTRIM(First) == ALLTRIM(This.oData.First) AND ; ALLTRIM(Last) == ALLTRIM(This.oData.Last) AND ; events_id == This.oData.events_id IF FOUND() ** Force the ID to the ID we found This.oData.Participants_ID = Participants_ID ENDIF ENDIF ENDFUNC ENDDEFINE
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