PRESIDENT from page 7
base + fMac provides a pretty good
glimpse into our IBM-compatible fu-
If you’ve never signed on to Com-
puserve and checked out FOX-
FORUM, the Fox Software discus-
sion forum, you’re in for one of those
“Why didn’t I do this before now?”
experiences. On FOXFORUM you
have ready access to some of the best
fox developers in the country.
Regular participants include Pat
Adams; Richard Grossman; Guy
Scharf, President of the Independent
Computer Consultants Association;
Warren Keuffel of Computer Lan-
guage Magazine; Bill French; Walter
Kennamer; John L. Hawkins, who
writes the VAR Report for Data-
Based Advisor; Jordan Powell of
IDBUG; and numerous other top-
notch Fox developers like Y.Alan
Griver, Mark Vodhanel, and Hank
Fay. FOXFORUM is a direct line to
Fox Software and the most active
members of its development corn-
munity. There’s just no point spin-
ning your wheels on bugs and/or parts
of the software you don’t understand,
when you can sign on to Compuserve
and benefit from others’ experience.
If you decide to check it out, you
should also take a look at TAPCIS, a
shareware telecommunications pro-
gram designed expressly for access-
ing the forums of Compuserve. TAP-
CIS can be downloaded from the
TAPCIS forum on Compuserve (GO
TAPCIS). TAPCIS enables you to
make much better use of the resour-
ces of Compuserve than you can
otherwise. It also enables you to do
the most time-consuming parts of
your work offline, so it can save you a
Call for Presenters and
If you’re interested in being a
presenter at one of our group meet-
ings, please contact me, Charles Wil-
liams, or one of the other steering
committee members. We’d like to
see a demo of your vertical market
Foxbase or FoxPro application; a dis-
cussion of how you handled a par-
ticular technical problem; or other
things that would be of interest to
members. There’s no better way to
market your skills and/or products,
and you can have a lot of fun in the
We’d also like your article for the
newsletter. If you have an idea, but
aren’t sure just how to approach it or
whether it would be of interest, give
me a call and let’s discuss it! Articles
will reach our growing mailing list for
the Fox group, and we plan to contact
other Fox User groups around the
country to share articles. Share your
expertise with the world!
Thanks to Richard
Grossman and Tech Ill
Thanks to Richard Grossman of
Tech III for his excellent presenta-
tion at our June meeting. Richard
illustrated many features of FoxPro
as employed in his company’s new
product, Who You Know, a contact
list manager written in FoxPro.
Richard also discussed Tech III’s up-
coming FoxPro-based accounting
system, Wing-It. This product in-
cludes a General Ledger, Accounts
Receivable, and Accounts Payable
module. it is described as “lean and
mean”, the core modules for your
own modifiable accounting system.
2616 Vargas Way
Redondo Beach, CA 90278