The Professional Developer
October 1990 Volume 1 Issue 7
The Newsletter of the Dbase Language Professional Developers Group
The Valley View
by Charlie Rider
What did I Miss at the September meeting???
Our meeting was kicked off by Linda Rohrbough-Houser. Linda and her husband have recently developed a commercial product (using Clipper) called “FastTrack.” FastTrack is a really wonderful user-friendly product that allows the product user to track just about anything/everything under the sun.
Linda will be our kick-off speaker for the next few months with presentations on the trials and tribulations of not only developing a Clipper product but also presentations on when to shoot the developing engineer and other aspects of getting a product to market without spending “a whole bunch of money” (which applies to most of us since few of us are fortunate enough to have an “angel” for financial backing).
Linda likes a lot of active audience participation in her presentations, so we’ll just see how this series develops. Linda is also the acknowledged expert on the effective use of the modem and makes presentations and writes columns for a number of local user groups.
Continued on Page 2.
L.A. Fox President’s Report
by Chuck Williams
At our September general meeting, Greg Dunn handed over the gavel for leadership of our group. The scope and direction of a new position has forced him to reduce his participation in LA Fox. Greg has devoted an enormous amount of time and energy in getting this group started.
Monthly Meetings
After several changes in meeting place and date we are now on a stable track, with an excellent meeting place provided by our SCE friends, and a resolve to hold our meetings regularly on the third Tuesday of each month.
Speaking for the board and all LA Fox members, I sincerely thank Greg for his effort, wish him well in his new position, and hope that he will continue to participate in our future meetings.
Group Interaction
Our September meeting was an experiment with an informal meeting structure. With no formal presentations or demos, the intent was to support group discussion and interaction. Kris

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Page One
by John M Kinney, Member of the Board, DLaP Users Group
The September meeting featured Dave Lowrey of Sophco discussing their FORCE compiler. Our “language” series continues this month with Bill Ramos, a senior software designer from Ashton-Tate, planning to have dBASE IV, Version 1.1 strut its stuff.
Next month, it’ll be Wordtech’s turn. Since the third Wednesday in November happens to be the day before Thanksgiving this year. We will most likely be moving the meeting (for November only) to the following week. Final plans will be in next month’s newsletter.
Board Meeting The Sunday after the DLaP, Valley, and Fox meetings, October 21, we will having an important DLaP board meeting. It will most likely be in Harbor City at the home of new board member Chuck Williams. All with ideas for the group’s direction in the next 6 months are welcome to attend. Call Chuck or another board member for directions and to let us know you are coming.
John Kinney
Return of Ashton-Tate by John Kinney Page 4.
PCX Programmer Toolkit,
Version 3.5
Reviewed by Bob Balocca
Page 5.
Tools of the Trade. by Charlie Rider Page 8.