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Continued from Page 5.
One of the interesting attributes
of this set of libraries is that
Genus Microprogramming has
included versions of the libraries
for six different program lan-
guages! The documentation,
dutifully, provides example func-
tion usage, as well as, compiler
instructions for each language
version. The package claims to
support 12 different compilers
covering Pascal, C, Basic, FOR-
TRAN, Clipper and Assembler.
The Toolkit has 9 utility pro-
grams and 62 functions which
can be linked into your applica-
tion. PCXtext has four utility
programs and 46 functions while
PCXeffects has 3 utilities and 24
functions. All are written in
assembler. The utility programs
are stand-alones that provide
some basic capabilities such as
showing or capturing an image or
editing a font. They also do some
conversion work for fonts and
images. The main thrust of the
software, however, is to provide
integrated image and effects
management into a program-
mer’s application.
As mentioned above, this soft-
ware is set off into three differ-
ent packages which are, how-
ever, intimately related. They
can be used separately but are
designed, as mentioned in the
documentation, to work to-
Each package has its own docu-
mentation; of course each is a
format clone of the other. The
distribution disks are color
coded, which is a nice touch.
My first and lasting reaction to
this approach is confusion.
Frankly, I don’t understand why
these packages have been
artificially (in my view) made
into three separate ones.
Granted, they do somewhat
different things sometimes, but
not enough to warrant the cost
and confusion of three separate
sets of documentation, etc. In
fact, the user’s manual for
PCXeffects states; “If you have
not as of yet installed The PCX
Programmer’s Toolkit, do so
now. It is required for the
programming interfaces...”
How would you feel if you had
just plopped down your hundred
bucks for this, separate, pack-
age? There is no warning on the
exterior of the packaging that
would tip you off that have to go
buy the $250 Toolkit to make
full use of this software. To me,
this is unforgivable; so, “on a
scale of 1 to 10, 10 being best..”,
this packaging/marketing ploy
rate a generous 2.
Combined, these libraries would
make a very nice and competitive
product and the combined docu-
mentation would not exceed the
size of the average DOS manual
after all the duplication had been
eliminated. As it stands now, a
programmer seriously attempting
to utilize the library functions
provided in these packages
would have to juggle three dif-
ferent manuals and at least
different libraries or obj files!
(Not to mention the ones you
already use for other functions.)
Surely, Genus hasn’t convinced
themselves that there is a mar-
keting advantage in doing it this
way. Or have they? If that’s the
ploy, then I’ll go out on a limb
and project increased sales and
revenue on a properly priced
combined package, all other
things being equal If Genus re-
ally wants separate packaging
why not have six different
versions for the six different
languages supported? There is
not a great deal of overlap with
Basic, FORTRAN and Clipper
aftermarkets. It would sure save
the user the headache of trying
to locate on the distribution
the set of libs, examples
and source code for the particu-
lar language he/she is writing.
The function definitions them-
selves are well organized and do
a good job describing the use of
the utilities. There is, of course, a
great deal of redundancy to sift
through over the three manuals,
but the examples and syntax
descriptions are quite adequate.
Bear in mind that each function’s
usage must have an example in
each of the six supported lan-
PCXtext describes itself as
“solving the problem of display-
ing text in a wide range of graph-
ics modes, using an unlimited
number of typefaces and sizes.”
If all you need to do is display
text in the graphics mode, this
package efficiently performs that
task for you. Unfortunately,
there is no interactive capability
to keyboard in the chosen font
within your application (admit-
tedly, this is difficult).
This severely limits the utility of
the library from my perspective,
but there are many applications,
I suppose, that do require no
more than a display capability. I
think a product like this should
be able to handle
say.. gets,
for example, in the graphics
mode. Then you can do some
Oddly, the fonts provided in the
package are GEM format fonts
Continued on Page Z
The Newsletter of the Dbase Language Professional Developers Group, October 1990
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