Tools Of The Trade
by Charlie Rider
This is the start of a continuing newsletter
column. Permission to copy this column is
freely granted to any user group newsletter.

Since the development of
dBASE ffl+ for XT class Per-
sonal Computers, and especially
since the later development of
the Clipper compiler in the
winter of 1985, the PC database
market has been flooded with a
wide variety of aftermarket
products. These products have
extended the Dbase language
into a full-blown and extremely
powerful database management
and development system for
There is always much discussion
about future products and too
little information about good
products that are available right
now. We just have a hard time
finding out about these good
products and we surely don’t
have the time or money to try
them all out.
Developers and other users are
steadily moving away from
products that promise “the
complete database solution in a
single box” to stand-alone
products that take full advantage
of the open architecture, for
both hardware and software, so
that we are free to pick and
choose to build our own devel-
opment or application environ-
What Tools for Which Trade?
The Trade
Let’s address the trade aspect
first. The particular trade in
question is what used to be
called a programmer in the early
days - because there was just that
one job that did just about
everything in the computer
Today the trade should probably
be called Software Developer or
just Developer, because in the
aerospace view, a programmer is
now a catch-all title that covers
too much territory. Programmer
may now mean a system engi-
neer/analyst (working on the
requirements - the WHAT -
specification), a system architect/
designer (working on the design
- the HOW - specification) or an
individual who translates de-
tailed pseudo-language to a
particular target language (who
is now generally called a coder, a
target language specialist).
The wheel is seldom re-invented
any more; at least it doesn’t need
to be. Very good algorithms
(procedures to follow to solve a
particular problem) have been
developed for almost every
contingency; you just have to
know which is the best one to
“steal” and where to find it.
You, as a developer, now primar-
ily develop specific applications
either for some client or your-
self. The particular applications
areas to be addressed in this
column are those dealing with
various aspects of the database
arena - managing the storage and
retrieval of data.
In earlier times young men (sorry
about that ladies) were appren-
ticed to skilled craftsmen to
perform menial tasks at very low
or non-existent wages until they
learned the trade by observation
of the master at work (or were
sent away in disgrace).
There were no books or classes
available to teach these skills.
There are still many skills that
continue to be learned this way
in Europe and the Far East.
After an individual (both men
and women) is accepted to work
in a particular Dutch china
factory, they must follow the lead
of the master craftsmen for 20
years or so until they are deemed
capable of proper design before
they are allowed to design even
non-product pieces on their own.
In Detroit prospective automo-
tive designers still work for many
years before any of their efforts
actually find their way to the
finished product. We developers
are extremely fortunate because
we do have so many readily
available examples of proper
code and good training opportu-
nities to guide us in our endeav-
The Took
Every skilled craftsman has a
toolbox of favorite, and generally
very specialized, tools that have
been collected over the years of
performing the tasks associated
with the craft. Some of the tools
may appear strange to an out-
sider but they are perfectly
suited to the particular task at
Remember the days before the
“pop-top” can when a very
specialized tool called a piercing
can opener was used to open
canned beverages? Or you may
remember it as a church key.” It
was really only good for that one
task, but it did that task very well
and you were lost without it.
Another special tool was the
folding can opener that came
packed in the C Ration boxes -
every good field soldier had a “P-
38” on his or her dog tag chain.
It doesn’t stop there, rookie
players continue to learn “moves”
from the regulars, just like they
started doing in the sandlots
after elementary school. The
regulars also learn new things
from the rookies (even if they
are reluctant to admit it).
Continued on Page 9.
The Newsletter of the Dbase Language Professional Developers Group, October 1990
Page 8