The Professional Developer is the
monthly newsletter of the Dbase
Language Professional Developers
Group, dedicated to the advance-
ment of knowledge among Dbase
do Therese Padilla
8726 S. Sepulveda, B204
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Board of Directors:
Bob Balocca
Brian Heess
(818 409-1431
John Kinney (213 531-6543
Therese Padilla (213 450-4399
L J. Richter 213 398-4358
Charlie Rider 818 901-2826
Randy Unruh 213 390-8039
Chuck Williams 213 539-9439
BBS Sysop:
Lee Thompson (213)469-4682
The Crow’s Nest (213)962-1428
300,1200,2400 &N,1
Member Benefits:
John Kinney (213)531-6543
Newsletter Editor:
L J. Richter (213)398-4358
LA. Fox User Group
Chuck Williams (213)539.9439
San Fernando Valley Clipper UG
Charlie Rider (818)901-2826
Template Language SIG
Therese Padilla (213)450-4399
Subscriptions, Membership,
Change of Address:
Membership for 1 year, with a 1
year subscription to The Profes-
sional Developer, is $45. Contact
Therese Padilla at address above.
Neither the Dbase Language Professional
Developers Group, LA. Fox, the Valley
Clipper Users Group, their officers or board
of directors or their members (collectively,
DLaP), make any express or implied
warranties of any kind with regard to any
information disseminated, including, but not
limited to, warranties of merchantability and-
or fitness for a particular purpose.
Opinions provided by newsletter articles, or
by speakers, members or guests who address
the meeting are individual opinions only, and
do not necessarily represent the opinions of
DLaP. All opinions and information should
be carefully considered, and DLaP is not
liable for any incidental or consequential
damages in connection with, or arising out
of, the furnishing or use of any information
or opinions.
Brand names and product names may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners.
The Valley View
Continued from Page 1.
The main feature was a presen-
tation on the FORCE compiler
from Sophco (the evening after
the a similar presentation at
DLaP). David Lowery, one of
the principals at Sophco showed
what a knowledgeable program
developer can do with FORCE.
FORCE is a different breed
from Clipper in that it produces
true native code and can thus
create a very small fast .EXE file.
Clipper .EXE files actually
contain a runtime interpreter -
the actual program is compiled
to a token table that is subse-
quently executed by the runtime
FORCE does require that all
variables be declared and typed
prior to use just like the other
major compilers on the market
such as C. Syntax checking is
done as a part of the compile
cycle instead of in the runtime
cycle as with other Dbase lan-
guage compilers. FORCE uses
Microsoft C calling conventions
so C segments and assembler
segments need no special pa-
rameter passing schemes.
FORCE has outstanding support
for arrays, conditional compila-
tion, include files, defines and
@..prompt..message menuing.
The October Meeting
Come hear Ashton-Tate on
dBASE IV Version 1.1 (the one
that works). Gain the feedback
from the recent developers
conference. What you see and
hear may amaze you (another
compiler???). If you must miss
the DLaP presentation, you are
welcome to join us at the Valley
Clipper Group.
L.A. Fox
Continued from Page 1.
Dahlin, George Dvorak, and
myself led off with short pre-
pared topics to get things started.
It worked. The group picked up
the threads and launched into
some lively discussions which
were quite informative I
learned several useful things I
didn’t even know I wanted to
know. We will try this format
again in future meetings, so
anyone who would like a forum
for discussing a database design
problem or asking for help with a
development technique, please
let me know.
You don’t have to prepare slides
or overheads for this kind of
session, and there can be PC
and/or Mac equipment available
for hands-on work if you let us
know in advance. The group is
small enough and congenial
enough to make this effective.
Board of Directors
We have a new member of the
LA Fox Board of Directors.
Warren Rekow joined the board
at our last meeting. Warren
works at Hughes, has been a
regular at our general meetings,
and will start helping with our
membership database.
October Meeting
Our October meeting features a
very successful local consultant,
Jay Rubin. Jay is Vice President
of DFC Enterprises in Newport
Beach and has been closely
involved with Dbase related
products since their beginnings.
His clients range from small
businesses to large Fortune 500
corporate giants.
Of interest to this group, he
works with Fox software in both
Continued on Page 3.
The Newsletter of the Dbase Language Professional Developers Group, October 1990
Page 2