The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
April 1994
LA Fox President’s Column (Con’t from p. 3)
Pinnacle Publishing has just completed publica-
tion of the second series of reports called The
Pros Talk Fox, and is offering selected volumes at
$29 each. These are excellent sources of informa-
tion by first rate authors, and are well worth the
price if the topic matches your interests. For
example, Melissa Dunn’s report on SQL is one of
the best treatments I have seen. I will have the list
of topics at the User Meeting. You can order at
(800) 231-1293.

Mac Rubel, nationally known writer and speaker
on FoxPro, has announced the availability of
upgraded versions of his two packages of applica-
tion development tools - Power Developers
Library and Development Debugger. He is offering
them at substantial discounts to user group mem-
bers - $245 for the pair. I will have brochures at
the user meeting. You can order direct from Mac
at (212) 972-2330.

Neon Software is releasing the Windows version
of FoxExpress with many improvements over the
DOS version that Mike Feltman showed us in one
of our earlier meetings. Contact Mike at Neon,
(419) 843-2797, or on CompuServe - 76217,1043
- for more details.

XPro User Group News (Con't from page 1)
This is _real_ stuff that MSFT should be con-
cerned about. Powersoft is beginning to play on
and profit from this snafu and I shouldn’t think
MSFT’s intention is to help build up one of their
competitors. But, that is just what is happening.

Randy Unruh
To: Ken Levy 76350,2610
.when do I use Access and when do I use
FoxPro 2.5 - 2.6<<

If you noticed at the L.A. DevCast the Access app
running on three 386/20 notebooks with Xircom
Parallel Port ethernet adaptors and WFWG as the
OS/NOS. It took between one and two minutes to
find a single name for a pre-registered guest to
DevCast. I suggested that FoxPro would have
been the better tool in that situation. The sales rep
said, “But we wouldn’t have been as readily able to
show Access.” I replied, “Exactly. Do you want people
to see how slow Access (even 2.0) can be?” They
replied, “Well, we didn’t want to spend so much time
developing an app we are going to use only three or
four times a year.” I replied again, “Depends on what’s
more important, showing people how good your
products are or showing them how they can be used

That about sums up when and where one uses

Just one last message about a subject that some
FoxPro jockeys may not have already discovered the
fine details for themselves.
Randy Unruh
To: Holly Henry
For adequate performance, 4 Megs is ample (in most
cases) for FoxPro DOS. FoxPro Windows wants at
least 4 Megs for itself and Windows wants some for
itself (Win 3.1 wants at least I and Work Groups For
Windows (WFWG) wants at least 2). Also, the Macin-
tosh has memory needs very similar to WGFW. The
situation you describe might best be handled by
developing apps in DOS for the 4 Meg machines and
then turn them into cross platform apps (DOS and
Windows) so the Windows machines (those with 8+
Megs) can run Windows versions. Takes a little extra
work but it can make you look like a genius. No
fooling, I’ve had to learn to not automatically correct
clients when they call me that. Now, I just say “Thank
you” when they do.<g>

Books and Toys.... (Con't from page 7)

Remember, if you download any of these shareware
files and decide they’re worth using, please support
the author by registering the software. This not only
helps defray the costs of his work-to-date, but encour
ages him to keep enhancing the product.

We’ll be raffling off a “best of” shareware installation
programs at tonight’s meeting. If you’re not lucky
enough to win the disk, these programs take an
average of 2.5 minutes to download at 9600 bps.
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