The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
January 1994
LA Fox
continued from previous page
If you are interested in pursuing Visual
Basic, there is an active user group in
Orange County. The leader is John Coffey
who can be reached at (714) 760-3794. They
meet once a month at the Microsoft office in
Irvine. That group has also been conducting
training classes once a month on a Saturday
morning. The trainer is Paul Sherrif, a well
known application developer and trainer.

At any rate we had a very entertaining meet-
ing and we hope Dan will return as our
speaker for further discussions of Visual
Basic or any other topic he would like to talk

Other Topics
The latest book in the Pinnacle “Pros Talk
Fox” series is out. The topic is OLE and
DDE and the author is Randy Brown. I
haven’t read it yet but my previous experi-
ence with Randy’s writing and speaking lead
me to recommend it on general principles.

Our own Greg Dunn has an article in the
January edition of FoxPro Advisor. The title
is “Desnippetizing Screens for Faster Devel-
opment”. I think Greg has shared those ideas
with us at our earlier meetings but lets have a
round of applause for another successful
publication by one of our members.

If you read the January DataBased Advisor
magazine you will think that Mohsen
Moazami has something on the editor. Not
only is his FoxPro Mac article published but
his comments show up in several other arti-

If you are looking for FoxPro information,
you should look into the International Data-
base Interchange conference to be held near
Palm Springs in April. The format and
agenda sounds very similar to the FoxPro
Developers Conference but the scope
includes Access and Visual Basic. I have a
brochure with details or you can call 1-800-

As you can tell from the way our member-
ship and distribution processes are working,
we could use some help on the User Group
Board of Directors. Anyone interested
should call me at (310) 539-9439. Previous
experience and skill are not requirements
interest and willingness to devote some
hours are.

Work Opportunities
Microsoft is looking for experienced appli-
cation developers to work for Microsoft
Consulting Services in the Santa Monica,
Orange County, and Phoenix offices. They
want Visual Basic or Access skills and
would also like SQL Server or Sybase expe-
rience. To follow up, call Susan Goshen at
Microsoft in Redmond at (206) 635-1981.

Bill Anderson has a contact who is looking
for a full time FoxPro Windows developer to
design and build an application. Call Francis
Lambert at 310260-3 100 or talk to Bill at
the user meeting.

Next Meeting
February 15 will be another special occasion
Lisa Slater will talk about Rapid Applica-
tion development using her tools and video-
tape series published by Virtual Firmware
and Bill House will continue our broadening
with his devcon presentation on Object Ori-
ented Programming.
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