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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
July 1994
Hot Off the Wire.
More Undocumented FoxPro
[Ed. Note: From time-to-time, we will be publishing
notes of interest that have recently appeared on
CompuServe. If you run across any tht you think
might be interesting to the group, or is related to
one of our members, please forward them to Barry
Lee, CID# 72 723,3422.
This month’s “Hot Off the Wire” comes from Bill
The following message was posted Friday, July 1
on FoxForum, message#685708, IMTIAZ
KADIR{MSFT] to Nathan Anderson, regarding a
printing problem.
Nathan: You may want to use the “SET PRINT
FONT” command to specify a Font used for print-
ing for commands like LIST, DISPLAY,
TYPE commands. This command could not be
added to the documentation but is available. The
syntax of the command is: SET PRINT FONT
“FontName”, PointSize. Example: SET PRINT
FONT “ARIAL”,14. For more information you may
want to lookup Microsoft Knowledge Base(MSKB)~
article Q99621 “Changing Font used in Print
Commands in FP for Windows”. To access
MSKB, type “GO MSKB” at the Compuserve
System Prompt.
The following information was posted by Brad
Schulz(76640,152) in Msg#675380. There is an
undocumented command that does this: SET
PRINTER FONT <fontname> [,<fontsize> [STYLE
<fontstyle>J]. So for example, to print in 8-point
Anal, you’d do the following: SET PRINTER FONT
“Arial”,8 TYPE myprog.prg TO PRINTER
A couple of notes about the above: 1) The STYLE
clause does not work. FPW will not produce a
runtime error if you use it, but for some reason it
*does* ignore it. So SET PRINTER FONT "Arial", 8
STYLE “BIU” will *not* print in bold, underline,
italic. 2) The SET PRINTER FONT command
stays in effect until you issue another SET
PRINTER FONT command or until you issue a
SET PRINTER TO command. When you issue the
SET PRINTER TO command, the printer font returns
to its default of 10-point FoxPnnt. 3) If you leave out
the fontsize, then 10 points is assumed. 4) Note that
the SET PRINTER FONT does *not* affect reports and
labels, since each of their objects are defined to print in
*specific* fonts. So the REPORT FORM and LABEL
FORM commands will ignore SET PRINTER FONT. I
only mentioned this because you mentioned com-
mands with a “TO PRINTER” clause. As far as the
Double RightMouse button click issue is concerned,
this behavior is common to all versions of FoxPro and
I believe it is a feature. <IMTIAZ>>(MSFT)
Out and About
(Con’t from p.4)
The Data
in the same vein
FoxTalk, The Pinter FoxPro Letter,
and the
FoxPro Developer’s Journal.
They’re offering a “spe-
cial charter subscnption” of $75, discounted $20 from
the regular price of $95, until September 30, 1994, for
six issues. For those interested, you can reach them
at CID# 75107,1333, or by writing to:
The Data Independent
P.O. Box 471831
San Francisco, CA 94147-1831
It Can’t Get Any Easier.......
We’ve come up with an easy way to submit articles to
Developer Newsletter
one that has
been overlooked for a long time.
You can submit your articles to either Chuck Williams
(72330,2326) or Barry Lee (72723,3422) on
These articles can be on any FoxPro-related topic,
whether it concerns a new technique you’ve discov-
ered, a certain development technique you may favor
over others, book reviews, etc.
The quality of this newsletter really depends on the
members that support it, not just read it. And I think
we’d all be surprised by the useful information that
could be circulated around the membership.
How 'bout it?
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