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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
May 1994
XPro User Group News
(Con't from page
An end-of-year wait for a solution is far too long for
many developers. And, PowerSoft, with
PowerBuilder, is beginning to profit from the
results of MSFT’s positioning and marketing
decisions regarding FoxPro. Even Borland has an
opportunity to profit with dBASE for Windows if
they have a good product by mid-summer. If you
have seen Paradox’s seamless and transparent
links to server back-ends and imagine the same
transparent links in a decent Xbase Windows
product, you can imagine the attractiveness this
could have for a Xbase developer who needs a
mainstream client/serversolution.
Add all that atop the very real experience of many
FoxPro developers of a lessening desire for
FoxPro solutions from potential clients, driven by
MSFT’s perceived lessening of support for FoxPro,
and it all adds up to a genuine problem for the
FoxPro developer community. I know of more
FoxPro developers now, than at any other time,
who are seriously looking at non-MSFT products to
use for their primary development work. The
solution would be for MSFT to be more forthcom-
ing on their plans for connectivity with 3.0 and to
add more marketing emphasis to their FoxPro
efforts while de-emphasizing the implied message
to use Access and VB instead of FoxPro.
To: Randy Unruh
Fm: John Doe
I suspect FP 3.0 will ship in the 4th quarter, and no
sooner. I don’t think PowerBuilder will kill FoxPro,
especially when I see so many problems with
PowerBuilder’s object model. If you want a pure
front-end (terminal only) to client-server apps,
PowerBuilder is currently a tool of choice. If you
want local data manipulation, PowerBuilder's script
language is not near as powerful as FoxPro 2.6
(not to mention FP 3.0). Another key reason
PowerBuilder is on a trend to be a limited high-end
product not to threaten Xbase on a large scale is
that it is priced at three grand (PB Desktop doesn’t
count since it has not connectivity).
Fm: Randy Unruh To: John Doe
I don’t think PowerBuilder will come anywhere
_near_ killing FoxPro. Just that it may strip away a
sigificant part of the developer community.
desktop.. .no connectivity.
That’s not really so important, since if a client can
afford a c/s system they can afford to pay for the
connections. It is in the one to a couple of dozen users
on a
where FoxPro has a distinct advantage. But,
that type of system (though still prevelant and lucra-
tive) is under a lot of pressure to join the enterprise
(ala your comment about JPL having no architecture/
planning implying the need for it). The force driving
some FoxPro developers to PB is that pressure plus
MSFT marketing’s not keeping the pump primed
enough for some developers to get enough business
while waiting for 3.0.
Fm: Randy Unruh Fm: John Doe
>>Just that it may strip away a sigificant part of the
developer community.
They got Adam Green. Who’s next? cg> The
XProBuilder User Group? cBG>
I think the switch is simply because PowerBuilder has
better development tools for C/S apps and allows
more rapid application development. We’ll have to
see if FoxPro 3.0 (or dBASE for Windows) wins them
Fm: Randy Unruh To: John Doe
It’s a significant investment for many developers to
learn a new tool and once they do, many and perhaps
most, they do not want to learn something new. I know
I’ve said it before in jest that you are not the ordinairy
developer but there is a great deal of truth to that.
Your life is a bit different from most peoples’ (no
judgement in that because so is mine<g>) and they
simply do not spend as much time as you do in front of
a monitor and keyboard. Having started XPro from the
fallout of a silly political war in the L.A. Clipper group
(with the people who wanted a broader view of the
world than one single instance of an Xbase product), I
know firsthand what it is about. The main reason that
the Fox group is larger than XPro is because most_
people prefer (actually, have a need) to learn and be
proficient with one tool at a time. It has been obvious
for some time that FoxPro is a development tool
generally superior to Clipper yet this need for many to
concentrate on one tool has left a sizable community
of Clipperheads behind. Many private discussions with
holdout Clipperheads who have finally switched to FP
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