The LA Fox Developer
A Newsletter for FoxPro Application Developers in Southern California
August 1995
LA Fox President’s Column
by Chuck Williams
The July Meeting - Voysys
After several months of listening to gurus, our July meeting shifted instead to a vendor presentation and it was a great one. Gene Moran opened a lot of minds with his presentation and demo of Voysys IVR (interactive voice response) capabilities. Although interaction with IVR systems has become a very common experience in recent times, it had not entered my mind that this was something that could be part of a FoxPro application, much less that practical technology is available right now.

This is not a new kind of modem, not a file transfer technique, and not an alternative to PC Anywhere. The basic idea is that a touch tone phone becomes an access device for your database. Your application can answer the phone, receive a query, and return the results of a search verbahy - that is, it can actually “speaks a numerical result in terms appropriate to the datatype such as currency, date, numeric, etc. All this is made possible by the Voysys toolkit Which consists of a telephone card for the PC, some switches and line drivers, and a library of very simple and intuitive FoxPro functions. With this you could implement an order status system, a work schedule advisor, or.a voice mail system - in fact he did just that right in the meeting. If you think about it for awhile the opportunity ideas will start to flow. Gene demonstrated dearly that the product delivers a high quality result, is very flexible, is not hard to implement, and is not very expensive.

The price is well within the small business range - a thousand dollars, rather than the 25K$ to I OOK$ that the big banks have paid in the not too distant
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Out and About
by Barry R. Lee

Beginning in August, by popular request, we’ll be spothghting applications and techniques by members of our own group, as well as having key speakers

August 21, 1995, 7:30 PM - Bill Anderson/Chuck Williams. Bill and Chuck will discuss their experiences in both building and managing the SITN Registradon System. This program (wntten with FoxPro for the Macintosh) replaces a manual system used to track all aspects pertaining to televised courses held at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

September 18, 1995, 7:30 PM - Lee Pinter. Les is well known in the FoxPro community for his knowledge and his wit. Ho has published a long standing, regular newsletter, The Pinter FoxPro Letter, is a regular columnist for Pinnacle’s Fox Talk newsletter, and has appeared in many other national publications and conferences. In this return to LA Fox, he’ll be speaking to us about designing and building class libraries in VFP. This should be a fun meeting - don’t miss it.

October 16, 1995, 7:30 PM - Savannah Brentnall. Savannah Brentnall is an independent consultant specializing in object orientation and is a founding partner of the Visual Training Group, which specializes in object technology training. Savannah and her
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The August meeting of LA Fox will be held on Aug. 21, 1995, at 7:30 PM at our regular meeting place (the Torrance Airport, 3301 Airport Drive, in Torrance). For details on how to get there, see the map on the back page.
Inside this issue...
The Latest on VFP Books
Converting FoxPro 2.6 to VFP
MicroSoft Raodmap