The LA Fox DeveloDer Newsletter
January 1995
Our Back Issues .
The Year in Review
Following is a list of the back issues and the
subjects covered in 1994:

January 1994
LA Fox President’s Column
XPro User Group News
The Pros Talk Fox
Work Opportunities

February 1994
LA Fox President’s Column
XPro User Group News
Event-Driven Programming
Books and Toys FoxExpress

March 1994
LA Fox President’s Column
XPro User Group News
The MAC Attack
FoxPro 2.6 ... Not a Rumor!
Books and Toys...
Inside FoxPro by Bob Grommes
April 1994
LA Fox President’s Column
XPro User Group News
Microsoft DevCast
FoxPro 3.0 Preview
Hot Off the Wire...
Ken Levy Moves to Flash
Books and Toys..
.lnstall Programs Reviewed
Hot Tips

May 1994
LA Fox President’s Column
XPro User Group News
From the Pen Of Ken (Levy) GenScrnX
Hot Off the Wire....
Undocumented FoxPro
FoxPro Certification.. .The Pros’ Opinions
Reach the Stars..
.Major Developers’ CIDs
Hot Tips.... Multiple Size Radio Buttons

June 1994
LA Fox President’s Column
XPro User Group News
Hot Off the Wire....
DevCon Announced
Shareware Review....FoxFinder v2.14
Books and Toys...
.Saved by the Junction
FoxPro 2.6 Codebook
Did He Really Say That? Adam Green
LA Fox President’s Column
Out and About... .Current Events
Hot Tips.. .Spinners in a DOS Environment
Traversing the GP Fault - Pt. I
Hot Off the Wire.. .More Undocumented FoxPro

September 1994
Out and About... Current Events
Looking for a New Home
Traversing the GP Fault - Pt. II
XPro User Group News
Hot Tips... FoxPro Tips Through Experience
Three From Landmark... .Software Review

October 1994
Out and About... .Current Events
“Homeless Commitee” Formed
FoxPro MAC v2.6
Traversing the GP Fault - Pt. III
XBase History
From the Quill of Bill/Borland Unveils dBASE Windows
Calendar/Scheduler... .Software Review

[Con't, page 3J

It Can’t Get Any Easier.......
We’ve come up with an easy way to submit articles to
the LA Fox Developer Newsletter one that has
been overlooked for a long time.

You can submit your articles to either Chuck Williams
(72330,2326) or Barry Lee (72723,3422) on

These articles can be on any FoxPro-related topic,
whether it concerns a new technique you’ve discov-
ered, a certain development technique you may favo
over others, book reviews, etc.

The quality of this newsletter really depends on the
members that support it, not just read it. And I think
we’d all be surprised by the useful information that
could be circulated around the membership.

How’bout it?
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