The LA Fox Develoøer Newsletter
June 1995
Drag and Drop (Con't from page 5)
LPARAMETERS oSource, nXcoord, nYcoord, nState
This sets cursor shape when leaving or entering this object.
do case
case nState 0 && Entering this object
case nState = I && Leaving this object
oSource.DragIcon = this.paretn.NoDropicon

Keep in mind that oSource is "istSource", our Drag
source. We change the cursor from the circle and
slash (NODROPOI .CUR) to a bullseye whenever the
cursor is over our drop target. Since both our targets
are images and behave in the same way, this code is
identical for either target.

2. The DragDrop method is what gets executed
when the “drop” portion occurs. For these two targets
the code is nearly identical:

For the Screen Picture object, the code reads:

and for the Printer Picture Object, the code looks

We’re done! Run the form and bingo, truly profes-
sional results?

Files for this demo were all contained in a single
directory. They have been zipped and are available
on CompuServe in the VFP Beta Forum, section 4
[Samples], under the name VFP_DRAG.ZIP. If you
have any questions or comments feel free to post a
message to me at CIS: 73257,1324.

(Ed. Note: Productive Solutions is a business soft-
ware development consultancy focused on a win-
ning cost-benefit relationship with regard to increas-
ing client productivity and reducing client costs.
Productive Solutions also creates, markets and
supports commercial applications thr9ugh private
business channels, including toUth-s&een applica-
tions and applications with internal modem connec-
tions to remote data sources. David A. Greene is
also a Microsoft Windows 3.1 Certified Professional.]

Out and About (Con't from page 3)
Just in time for the release of Windows 95, now
cemented for August of this year, the Justice De-
partment has stepped up its investigation of
Microsoft Corp. because of concern that the soft-
ware giant may use “unfair tactics” to break into on-
line computer business. As of June 10, the .~
department’s antitrust division gave on-line commer-
cial companies - Prodigy, Compuserve, and America
On-Line - one week to document their concerns.

This Just In IBM, as of Sunday, June 11, 1995,
turned a hostile bid to take over Lotus into a friendly
takeover and the largest software deal in history.
Jim Manzi will remain in a vice-president’s position
with IBM, while IBM retains most of his Lotus devel-
opment team. I wonder if the Feds are going to take
as close a look at IBM as they’re doing with
Microsoft. Anyway, best of luck to them they’re
going to need it.

New in This Issue. “Ask the Foxster", a FoxPro
Q&A column begins on a regular basis. The pur-
pose of this column is to provide a forum in Which
members of the group may pose questions or
explore techniques related to FoxPro. Also included
in this issue are articles by David A. Greene, a new
and welcome contributor, and Bill Anderson, one of
the mainstays of the group.

LA Fox
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