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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
March 1995
Software Metrics
(Con't from page 6)
<> 0
iif(line_num>O,program(i-3),”Command Wind”)
if crntwind 1= “Command Window”
insert into errhand (user, date, time, app, program,;
topwind,appsttime, errtime), values (MUSER,;
dateO, timeO, gcappname, src,errnum,ernnsg;
codeine,cdbf,line_num, crntwind, gnstart, secondsO)
select errhand
Save a .MEM file in the memo field...
save to memo memvar
record current status and memory listing.
This program is all that is required to track the
errors occurring in your system. As the table gets
more populated, queries start to become quite
useful in determining where the trouble spots are.
For example:
SELECT program, count(*);
from errhand;
into table prgerrs;
group by program
will tell you the error count by program.
Program Usage
This topic has
been of great interest to many devel-
opers in determining if their application has re-
ceived adequate test coverage. The USAGE.APP
file presented here, will first scan all of your source
code and log into a table all of the procedure and
functions in the entire app. It does this by opening
up your project file as a DBF and scanning it look-
ing for all project elements with a type of “P” or “s”.
This table
then be exported for use at runtime.
The runtime portion logs into this table each and
every call made to each procedure. The implemen-
tation looks like this:
The structure of susage.dbf is:
progfile C 12
procedure C 10
callcnt N 6
The function lusageO, opens up the table susage.dbf,
which is the table produced by the step discussed
above, It then locates the record passed to it by the
sys(16) function. Once found, the field CALLCNT is
incremented by one. This function call is necessary in
all functions and procedures to accurately record
application usage. Once testing has begun, you can
print out a bar graph showing the usage of all the
procedures in the application. The bar graph is a
simple Foxpro report that displays the prg file, any
functions contained in it, the call count, and a bar
representing the count scaled to the maximum value
found in the susage.dbf table. The expression that
produces the bar chart is:
In case the bar graph character does not reproduce
correctly in transmission, it is ASCII character 178. The
80 in the expression represents the maximum number
of graph characters that
can fit
on the page. This
report produces a bar chart with the
bars running
across the page and the programs listed down the left-
hand side. This way the graph can continue on an-
other page and can accommodate any number of
The visual insight this bar graph report gives into
program usage
be quite valuable. Very quickly
you are able to determine what programs are being
used heavily and what programs are not being used at
all. Maybe it is dead code or maybe it was just never
tested. Without a tool like this, you would not know
until it comes times to deliver your app to a client. I
attach this program to a custom main menu pad so
that is available at any time just by selecting it off the
main menu. This program is a small part of a much
larger data dictionary application that I have
which I will also be putting up on Compuserve, and
shortly the Internet. The dictionary works in a similar
way. It open up the project file and completely dissects
your project into every component. It logs in tables,
screens, reports, programs, table views, screen views,
(Con't, page 8)
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