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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
February 1996
Simple Stuff
by Ariela Pomerance
As CIXen know, a week or so after each magazine
arrives we post a message in FoxUserGroup asking for
your opinions on the articles. One reason for this is to
help us get an idea of what members, in general, want
as opposed to what your Council may think they want.
In recent issues our emphasis has been on Visual
FoxPro. It’s new, it’s very different, lots to learn and new
problems to solve and work round and Members using it
look to us for help. However the feedback from CIX after
our last issue also pointed firmly to a need for more on
general, pre-VFP basics. As one member put it
" .
simple that a total novice could actually do
and under-
stand the code”
Clearly some regular “simple stuff’ pages in Fox User
would be be very welcome, and there
a list of subjects
produced by that discussion at the end of this article.
Contributions are invited, and will be paid for at the usual
rate. The list included some questions that I’m often
so I’ll start off by trying to answer one
“Why and when do you go for a character, numeric or
date field? and most importantly the reasons, in English,
no jargon allowed.”
A field (or variable) will only contain numbers. Should its
data type be numeric or character?
The answer depends on what you plan to do with the
numbers. If they are mainly to be used in calculations
for example a unit price
then the type should be Nu-
Why? because you can only calculate with
numeric data. Where no calculation is likely
for ex-
ample a telephone number
then the type should be
Character; treating the digits as text. Why? Using char-
acter type fields is simpler for combining and displaying
data or if the field is to be part of a compound index
an index which is made up of more than one field.
Of course Fox can be made to calculate using digits
stored as words (character), not numbers (numeric).
The function VALO turns a character string of digits into a
something that looks identical but is now a numeric and
can be calculated with. Try
x='12345' && x is a word
and you get an error message
data type mismatch
? val(x)
and you’ll get the expected
If you want to display numeric data combined with other
data types using ‘+‘s
the numbers must be converted to
character strings by using the function STRO For
Puddings’ && character
2.22 &&
? ‘the
cost of 10
and you get an error message
operator/operand type mismatch
meaning, that you tried to do something mathematical
(addition) to a character string. You need
of 10 '+item
Is £‘+str(Unlt_PricelO,5,2)
and you get
the cost of 10 Christmas Puddings is £22.20
The STR(the_number,5,2) formats the converted num-
bers to a 5 character string with 2 decimal places.
‘the cost
of 10’, Item, 'is £
(i.e fields separated with commas, not ‘+‘s) is also legal
and accepted
the result just looks untidy.
When it comes to dates, there is rarely a good reason
not to use the Date type. Even if a date will not be used
in a date calculation, using the Date type means that the
field being filled in is automatically formatted as nn/nn/nW
(or /nnnn, depending on how SET CENTURY is set) and
that Fox will automatically check that the digits entered
do make up a valid date. And Fox has an excellent
selection of functions for working with dates, as long as
the dates are stored as type Date. For example
If you want the date (26/06/95) to appear as
Monday 26th June
(Con’t, page 8)
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