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The LA
Fox Developer Newsletter
February 1996
By Steve Sawyer
(Ed. Note: Reprinted with permission from the DetroitArea FoxPro
Developer’s Group.]
It's amazing that you can work with Visual FoxPro for many months
and still come across some Really Cool Stuff that you had no idea
even existed. With the advent of data buffering, many folks (in-
cluding me) have made comments to the effect that we may never
use SCATTER and GATHER again. Well, not so fast, bucko!
There is a new clause for the SCATTER and GATHER commands
that is almost too impressive for words: the NAME clause.
Open a table, and issue the following in the command window:
Whaddya got? An object called oRecord, that has a set of proper-
ties that correspond to each of the table’s fields, and to which the
field values have been SCATTERed! GATHER NAME oRecord will
reverse the process.
Ok, Steve, that’s slick, but what can we do with it? Well, since a
property of an object (like a form) can be another object, imagine
having a form object with a property called oRecord, with this code
in its InitO:
SCATTER NAME ThisForm.oRecord
Or, imagine having a form with an array property called aRecords,
and a numeric property called nEdited. Each time the user navi-
gates to a record and begins to edit that record, the following code
ThisForm.nEdlted+ I
DIMENSION ThisForm.aRecords[nEdited]
SCATTER NAME ThisForm.aRecords[nEdited]
So what you have is an array of objects as a form property that
would allow the user not only to “cancel” the current edit, they
could roll back any or all of the previous edits in that session!
Many folks have complained that you can easily pass an array by
reference as an argument to a FoxPro 2.x screen, but this isn’t
practical with a VFP form, because any parameter received by
the form is scoped to the lnit() method, and goes out of scope
when the Init()'s execution ends. You have to take some addi-
tional steps, such as copying the passed array’s contents to a
form array property, but then you’re faced with the problem of
passing the array back to the calling program etc. Some have
suggested creation of an “array object” that could be easily passed
(objects can only be passed by reference) to other objects.
This brings us to a way to work around the limitation of the SCAT-
TER NAME syntax; you cannot scatter memo fields using SCAT-
TER NAME. However, as you know, you can SCATTER TC
<arrayname> MEMO to accomplish this. So, just take the twc
MEMO and the creation of an array ob-
ject” and you come up with this:
USE ctablenam.>
SCATTER TO oArray.aArrayProperty
DEFINE CLASS cArray AS custom
DIMENSION aArrayProprty[1]
Hope these “teasers” lead to some interesting ideas of your
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It Can’t Get Any Easier......
We’ve come up with an easy way to submit articles to
LA Fox Developer Newsletter
one that has been
overlooked for a long time.
You can submit your articles to Barry Lee at
on Compuserve.
These articles can be on any FoxPro-related topic,
whether it concerns a new technique you’ve discovered,
a certain development technique you may favor over
others, book reviews, etc. Editor reserves the right to
edit or offer constructive comments concerning submit-
ted articles and accepted articles shall be considered to
be in the public domain.
The quality of this newsletter really depends on the
members that support it, not just read it. And I think we’d
all be surprised by the useful information that could be
circulated around the membership.
How 'bout it?
Jim McGoldrick, who recently rejoined LA Fox and
wanted to start a Consultant/Marketing SIG, died on
December 30, 1995. The January meeting on “Mar-
keting and Client Relations” was dedicated to him.
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