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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
March 1996
The LA Fox Developer
is the monthly newsletter of the LA Fox Developers Group. The purpose is information sharing among application developers and users working with
LA Fox Address
LA Fox
P.O. Box 6624
Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6624
LA Fox Board of Directors
Barry R. Lee, President/Newsletter Editor
Bill Anderson, Vice President
Allen Garfein, Treasurer/Membership
Chuck Williams, President Emeritus
George Dvorak
Bill Seldon
Mike Cummings
Michael Meer
George Porter
LA Fox is the oldest FoxPro developer’s group in Southern California. The newsletter contains regular columns and articles from other user groups.
XPro User Group
2210 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 9C 403
OC FoxPro Developers Group
The annual membership fee for the LA Fox Developers Group, including subscription to The LA Fox Developer Newsletter, is $45.
Neither the LA Fox User Group, the XPro User Group, the OC FoxPro Developers Group, their officers or board of directors or their members make any express or implied warranties of any kind with regard to any information disseminated, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and/ or fitness for a particular purpose.
Opinions provided by newsletter articles, or by speakers, members, or guests who address the meetings, are individual opinions only, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the group. All opinions and information should be carefully considered, and the group is not liable for any incident or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing or use of any information or opinions. Brand names and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their resnective
Out and About
(Con’t from page 1)
Jim Thompson has been developing database programs for seventeen years. He will demonstrate the framework he is using for developing VFP applications today. He says VFP was too big for him to “master~’ this soon. It was also too valuable not to begin using immediately. Accordingly, he read the Visual Fox Forum voraciously and talked with early beta testers to determine which aspects of VFP seem to offer the highest reward/risk ratio to his clients. His framework trades off some of VFP’s nicer features in return for robustness today. If a feature wasn’t reliable or wasn’t well-understood by VFP Forum gurus, Jim didn’t use it. Accordlingly, he thinks of it as a good “transition” framework. He is confident it will help others transition to VFP, but warns that his perspective should be viewed as that of the blind man who could describe the elephant’s body, but knew nothing of its trunk.
Since We Last Met
PC Magazine
Database Tips Wanted
PC Magazine
wants your database tips’ They’re looking for useful functions, procedures, techniques, undocumented tricks, gotchas and so on for Windows or DOS database products. They pay $50 per tip and you get a special
PC Magazine
T-shirt. In addition, you’ll be helping some of the more than I million
PC Magazine
readers become more productive and knowledgeable.
Tips should be accompanied by a concise description of why it’s useful and good and how it works. Send your submissions via email to 72241 .33©compuserve.com. You can also
mail your submission on disk
to Solutions,
PC Magazine,
One Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5802. Please send a printout along with the disk.
The format
an example submission
Dear Sal,
I needed a function to calculate age in Microsoft Access for a customer analysis application. We wanted to know how many of our customers fit into each of several age groups. Each customers date of birth is stored in a table, so I came up with the function shown in Listing One to calculate age in years. To use it you supply the date of birth as the start date and today’s date as the end date.. ..[explanation]...
tested the Age function using Access 2.0.
John Doe
123 America Street
Anytown, CA 12345-6789
(408) 555-1212
Compuserve: 12345,6789
Internet: JohnDoe@SOMEWHERE.COM
FUNCTION Age( varStartDate, varEndDate) Returns Age in years
(Con?. paqe 3)
Access 2.0
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