The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
4ugust 1997
VFUG’s Hot Tips (Con’t from page 6)
now you can move the preview window to your own
activate window (lcWindowName) in (thisform.name)
* hide and reset the VFP screen




Top = 0
Left = 0
Height = 454
Width = 633
ShowWindow = 1 && in top level form
DoCreate = .T.
Caption = “Test Preview”
MaxButton = .t.
MinButton = .F.
WindowState = 2
ZoomBox = .F.
Name = “TEST”

Job Opportunity
A company in Bakersfield is looking for a lead Visual FoxPro
programmer to lead a team in a substantial project. The ideal
individual would be experienced in VFP, client/server (Oracle or
SQL Server) and be comfortable in guiding the remainder of the
team in converting this large system from FoxPro/DOS. The
individual would actually work for my company and be offered a
very attractive compensation package. Relocation is preferred,
but not absolutely required if an agreeable schedule is worked
out. The initial conversion project will last from 8 to 16 months,
but opportunity to stay on with MicroTrack long-term is ex-
pected when complete, the final product may be distributed
to, and customized for, as many as 50 other remote offices!

Please post this opportunity for your membership and feel free
to contact me with any questions or comments. Thank you for
you time.

Scott Huribert
MicroTrack International

805/871-9529 office
805/871-3024 fax
805/329-4975 pager
Internet Commerce Expo
by Tom Rombouts
This year, Internet Commerce Expo will be held at the L.A.
Convention Center. (It was in’Anaheim last year.) It is
essentially from Sept 9th through the 11th.

Although not nearly as big as Internet World, anyone who is
doing (or thinking of doing) web commerce will probably enjoy
spending at least two hours or so at the exhibits. This also
includes anyone using the web to promote a traditional busi-
You can register for a free exhibits pass through the Friday the
15th at:


or by voice at:


If anyone misses the deadline, I have some forms you can take
with you to the show in September and use to get a free
Join LA Fox
It Can’t Get Any Easier.......
We’ve come up with an easy way to submit articles to the LA
FoxDeveloperNewsletter one that has been overlooked for
a long time.

You can submit your articles to Barry Lee at CIS# 72723,3422
on Compuserve, orbrlee@earthlink.net.

These articles can be on any FoxPro-related topic, whether it
concerns a new technique you’ve discovered, a certain develop-
ment technique you may favor over others, book reviews, etc.
Editor reserves the right to edit or offer constructive comments
concerning submitted articles and accepted articles shall be
considered to be in the public domain.

The quality of this newsletter really depends on the members
that support it, not just read it. And I think we’d all be surprised
by the useful information that could be circulated around the

How ‘bout it?
Page 9