The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
December 199T
Visual Time & Effort (Con’t from page 5)

I then set up the data environment with the two tables and
linked them via the position number field.

Next I dragged the relevant parent fields onto the form and
gave them labels.

I then formed a grid in the lower part of the form and named
it”grdEffort”; the COLUMNCOUNT property is 2, RECORDSOURCE property of the grid is TIMEEFFI, the RECORDSOURCETYPE property is 1-Alias, and the VIEW property is 0 BROWSE BROWSE.
See illustration to see what my form looks like.

II. Control Buttons

I next needed to add navigation buttons. From the Classes
Icon on the Toolbar, I “Added”

This gave me some sample foxpro button objects to add to my form. I chose the vcr icon and placing this sample on form “Time & Effort” gave me the Top, Bottom, Previous and Next buttons with no coding on my part.

I then added the following Buttons: Search, Browse, Print
and Done. To the Click code of these buttons I added normal code. As an example for the Browse button I added code to display the parent table but not allow users to modify this data:

browse nomodify

I then added two buttons for the Grid; Add and Delete. To
the Click methods of these two buttons I added the following code:

Add Code:
select timeeffi append blank replace posnumb with position.posnum thisform.grdEffort.fundorg.txtfundorg.set thlsform.grdEffort.Refresh()

Delete code:
select timeeffi delete next I

Percent Total field
I added a TEXTBOX on the parent form named nTotalPercent and gave it a label as well.

In the form designer, I went up to Form on the toolbar an
added a NEW PROPERTY: PercentTotal.
I next went up to Form and added a NEW METHOD:

In the properties window of the Form frmTime, the bottom
property is calcpercent. Double clicking on this method brought up the click code for calcPercent and here I added the following code:
para positlonumber
this procedure sums all percentages for a given position #
SELE timeeffi
IF SEEK(positionumber)
SUM pctfund for posltionumber=posnumb;
TO nPercent
nPercent = 0
SELE position
RETURN npercent

Now I had the procedure to calculate percent totals and
needed to run this method whenever
a) you started the project
b) a new employee (parent) record was displayed c) an addition, change, or deletion was made in the grid percents

I found that the three PROPERTIES that could do this were
the INIT property when starting the project, REFRESH property for a new record and the change.

INIT Code of Form


REFRESH Code of Form


AfterRowColChange Code of Grid:

LPARAMETERS nCollndex m rec = rec n 00 mposnumbposnumb
SUM pctfund for mposnumb=posnumb TO thlsform.PercentTotal
go mrec

When run, I found that indeed, the nPercentTotal
field did contain a running total of my percent field from the child table.

(Ed. Note: Mike Merino works for Denver Public Health. He can be reached at MMerino@dhha.org. The Time & Effort project is his second Visual Foxpro program. He and his wife Jonna are enjoying their new 9 month old daughter Molile, whose keyboard technique is still rather random.]
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