The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
January 1997
The L.A Fox Developer is the monthly newsletter of the LA Fox Developers Group. The purpose is information sharing among application developers and users working with FoxPro.

I A Fnx Address
LA Fox
Barry R. Lee
P.O. Box 6624
Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6624

LA Fox Board of Directors
Barry R. Lee, President/Newsletter Editor
Bill Anderson, Vice President
Allen Garfein, Treasurer/Membership
Chuck Williams, President Emeritus
George Dvorak
Bill Seldon
Mike Cummings
Michael Meer
George Porter

LA Fox is the oldest FoxPro developer’s group in Southern California. The newsletter contains regular columns and articles from other user groups.

XPro User Group
Randy Unruh
2210 Wilshire Blvd. - #161
Santa Monica. CA 90403
OC FoxPro Developers Group

Mike Vincent
(714) 970-9147
The annual membership fee for the LA Fox Developers Group, including subscription to The LA Fox Developer Newsletter, is $45.

Neither the LA Fox User Group, the XPro User Group, the OC FoxPro Developers Group, their officers or board of directors or their members make any express or implied warranties of any kind with regard to any information disseminated, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and! or fitness for a particular purpose.

Opinions provided by newsletter articles, or by speakers, members, or guests who address the meetings, are individual opinions only, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the group. All opinions and information should be carefully considered, and the group is not liable for any incident or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing or use of any information or opinions. Brand names and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Out and About (Con't from Page 1)
FoxTalk. John is a featured speaker on VFP at technical conferences including the 1995 Microsoft FoxPro DevCon. John will be speaking on “Multi-Tier Architectures”. This is a session you won’t want to miss. Everyone is guaranteed to learn something from it
March 16-1 8,1 997 Great Lakes Great Database Workshop at the Hyatt Regency Hotel In Milwaukee, WI. Sponsored by Whil Hentzen’s company, Hentzenwerke, you can learn how to build FoxPro and Internet applications from the best developers in the business. Don’t miss this world-famous conference! Over 40 topics to help improve your database application development. Top speakers from North America and Europe - including many Microsoft MVP’s. Check out their web site for more information, http://www.hentzenwerke.com.

Developer Days IV, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, CA, March 19,1997 7:45AM -4:40PM. Don’t miss the largest developer tools and technology event in Microsoft’s and the industry’s history, reaching 30,000 developers in 35 countries. Keynote presentation from Bill Gates via satellite. Learn firsthand how you can reform and enrich your business by integrating all your client/server, enterprise, and Internet development efforts with Microsoft’s powerful new developer tools. Receive training that you can immediately use to add value to your development projects! Each attendee will receive a free CD-ROM toolkit packed with software, samples, and code.Register by February 13, 1997, and your cost to attend Developer Days is just US$89! Miss the early registration deadline and you pay only US$120. For registration information on Developer Days sites outside the United States and Canada, please refer to www.microsoft.com/devdays/.

The First Annual Southwest Regional FoxPro Spring Conference, May 17-18, 1997, LAX Westin Hotel, Los Angeles, CA. This isyour chance to see nationally-recognized FoxPro authorities and Devcon ‘96 speakers locally, together, all addressing the issues you want to hear about. 26 sessions over 2 days. Every speaker will give their session twice so you have a better chance to see the speakers you want to see. Reduced-rate conference hotel rooms ($89/night) and discount airline tickets (United, Delta) are available. For info, contact Microcomputer Engineering Services, LLC, or visit their Website at http://www.mesllc.com for the most up-to-date information. (See page 9 for Info Sheet/Registration Form with costs, speakers, etc.)

Since We Last Met
Things I Hope to Hear Less and Less of in 1997. I know it’s wishful
thinking, but here are some items that dominated the news in 1996 I can go without hearing anymore about in 1997: O.J., Madonna, Shaq, Madonna’s baby, a whole list of others (you fill in the blanks) and my all-time favorite Is FoxPro dead?” How ‘bout you?
LA Fox Website. The Website at http://www.mesllc.com/lafox.html is looking better all the time. If you’re felling out of touch, have lost your last newsletter and don’t know about the next meeting, or anything else having
(Con't, page 6)
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