The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
January 1997
Spring Conference ‘97 FAQs
by Barry R. Lee
Are there User’s Group discounts, or discounts for group



Do you accept credit card payments?

Yes. However, the prices reflect a cash discount Credit card users must pay the full price of $209, $235, and $259 respectively.

...are they [the meals] still included in the registration price?

Yes. Unofficially, we’ll be covering breaks and lunches. If we can at all afford it, we’ll be having continental breakfasts Saturday and Sunday, too. I’m pretty sure we’ll be doing the CBs, but we’ll have to see how registration goes.

What about hotels and airlines?

- Hotel: We have secured discounted rooms at the rate of $89.00 per room. To get this discount, you must call the LAX Westin directly at (310) 216-5858 (not their “800” number). Be sure to tell them that you are making reservations for the “MICROCOMPUTER ENGINEERING SERVICES room block”. This price will be honored 3 days prior and 3 days after the event. You will need a credit card to hold the reservation.

- Airlines: We have secured a 5% discount of any published fares on United or Delta. To get these special rates, you or your travel agent will need to call one of the following phone numbers. United’s meetings desk phone number is 1 -800-521-4041. Our meeting ID Code for United is “513DA”. Delta’s meeting desk phone number is 1-800-241-6760. Our file number for Delta is “XHO3I”.

It’s That
Time of Year Again
Membership Dues
It’s time to start thinking about membership dues again. Last year, we implemented a new payment policy that brought everyon current in a matter of months. Here’s how it works:

Look at your mailing label on the back of the newsletter. If your membership expired in the first three months (January thru March) of 1996, your name will be eliminated from the newsletter mailing list in January, 1997; if your membership expired in the second three months (April thru June) of 1996, your name will be eliminated from the newsletter mailing list in February, 1997; if your membership expired in the third three months (July thru September) of 1996, your name will be eliminated from the mailing list in March, 1997; and if your membership expires in
the last three months (October thru December) of 1996, your name will be eliminated from the mailing list in April, 1997.

Last year, using this type of methodology and an “amnesty” program, we were able to bring memberships current that had expired back in 1993. So virtually everyone that is now a member of LA Fox has an expiration date of 1996 or 1997. This helps us out a lot since we are a totally self-supported group and membership helps defray the costs of newsletters, the meeting room, guest speakers, etc.

There are several advantages to membership the commaraderie and networking capabilities of the group, the chance to speakers that you would have to spend hundreds of dollars to see elsewhere, a monthly ten-page newsletter, the LA FoxCast, etc.

So everyone make sure you look at your mailing label for your membership expiration date and please respond accordingly. Membership dues are $45, payable to LA Fox, and can be mailed to Allen Garfein, 3449 Beethoven, Los Angeles, CA 90066, or Barry R. Lee, P.O. Box 6624, Huntington Beach, CA
92615-6624, or brought to the next meeting.

Year in Review (Con’t from page 7)

VFP 5 Enterprise Development
Wait a Minute, Not Forever
FoxPro Q & A
Microsoft's Filer for VFV5.O
The Business Side of Things
Re: Genscmx/Tabbed Windows + Phone Dialer Function
Need Some Christmas Ideas?
The Client/Server Survival Guide
Show the Form Faster When Using Pageframes

It Can’t Get Any Easier.......
We’ve come up with an easy way to submit articles to the L.A Fox Developer Newsletter one that has been overlooked for a long time.

You can submit your articles to Barry Lee at CIS# 72723, 3422 on Compuserve, or brlee@earthlink.net.

These articles can be on any FoxPro-related topic, whether it concerns a new technique you’ve discovered, a certain development technique you may favor over others, book reviews, etc. Editor reserves the right to edit or offer constructive comments concerning submitted articles and accepted articles shall be considered to be in the public domain.

The quality of this newsletter really depends on the members that support it, not just read it. And I think we’d all be surprised by the useful information that could be circulated around the membership.

How ‘bout it?
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