The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
June 1997
Hot Tip...
Use Your Modem
as a Phone Dialer
this example dials a phone number on comi:
=dialer("1-800-555-1 212",1)
function dialer
parameters telnum,cport
WAIT ‘Press Enter to Dial, any other key to cancel’ WINDOW NOWAIT
IF keypress 13
handleFOPEN(”&tcom”,12) && attempt to open port IF handle < 0
WAIT “Can’t Open Communications Port, Check Setup”
=FPUTS(handle,dialstr) && dial number WAIT ‘Dialing... Lift Phone and press any key’ WINDOW =FPUTS(handle,”ATH”) && hang up modem =FPUTS(handle,”ATZ”) && mit modem =FCLOSE(handle)

Out and About (Con’t from page 2)

regulate data-scrambling technologies but the FBI warned that such a move would cripple law enforcement and leave the country more vulnerable to terrorism. In an open letter to Clinton the corporate chiefs said U.S. competitiveness in electonic commerce is at stake in the encryption debate. ‘Network users must have confidence that their communications, whether personal letters, financial transactions, or sensitive business information, are secure and private.” Signing the letter were Bill Gates, Andy Grove (Intel), and the heads of Adobe Systems, AutoDesk, Bentley Systems, Compaq, SCO, Symantec, Claris, Digital Equipment, Lotus Development, Novell, and Sybase. FBI Director Louis Freeh told Congress that the U.S is at a “historical crossroads” on the issue. “Uncrackable encryption will allow drug lords, terrorists, and even gangs to communicate with impunity”, Freeh told a Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing on the FBI.

Driveways of the Rich and Famous. If you want a real hoot, visit http://www.driveways.com.

Microsoft announced that its updated version of Windows NTis slated for final release in the first half of next year. Test versions of the software will be ready this fall.

Join LA Fox
MnuClass - Object-Oriented
Menu Programming in VFP
by Mark Hall
London, England
I was really annoyed when Microsoft failed to update the menu builder in VFP. We have all the wonders of object oriented programming, but are doomed to using DEFINE MENU I PAD / POPUP and BAR for creating menus.

Here’s the answer. A couple of class definitions that allow you to program your menus in a totally object oriented manner. Previously awkward features (check marks, dynamically adding / removing options, changing the caption, changing the message) are now stupendously easy.

You simply create an object for each menu option. The objects are structured in the same way that the menu is displayed. e.g. To reference the Save option on the File menu, you might use:

To disable the save option:
Full documentation is included, along with a detailed, fully commented demonstration program.

It’s FREE. Pass it around. Enjoy.

(Ed. Note: Mark’s mnuclass may be downloaded by visiting his website at http://www.users.dircon.co. uk/markh/home.htm.]

“Short Takes”
comp.databases.xbase.fox is an unmoderated USENET newsgroup currently receMng about 150-200 messages per week. A “Frequently Asked Questions” list in 3 parts is posted regularly and is also available from ftp.rahul.net as file foxfaq.zip. If your Internet provider doesn’t have this newsgroup, ask your system administrator to add it to the groups your system receives.

Data Dependencies & Normalization - http://osler.wustl.edu/ cs53Ofldsńndex.htm!

Jason Landry’s GENSCRNX Page - http:// www.netgadgets.com/genscmx/default.asp

The Web Developer’s Virtual Library - http://www.stars.com/
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