The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
November 1997
The LA Fox Developer is the monthly newsletter of the LA Fox Developers Group. The purpose is information sharing among application developers and users workina with FoxPro.

LA Fox Address
LA Fox
Barry R. Lee
P.O. Box 6624
Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6624

LA Fox Board of Directors
Barry R. Lee, President/Newsletter Editor
Bill Anderson, Vice President/Programs
Twila Miller, Treasurer/Membership
Chuck Williams President Emeritus
George Dvorak
Bill Seldon
Mike Cummings
Michael Meer
George Porter

LA Fox is the oldest FoxPro developer’s group in Southern California. The newsletter contains regular columns as well as articles from other user groups.

XPro User Group
Randy Unruh
2210 Wilshire Blvd. - #161
Santa Monica, CA 90403

OC FoxPro Developers Group
Mike Vincent
The annual membership fee for the LA Fox Developers Group, including subscription to The LA Fox Developer Newsletter, is $45.

Neither the LA Fox User Group, the XPro User Group, the OC FoxPro Developers Group, their officers or board of directors or their members make any express or implied warranties of any kind with regard to any information disseminated, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and! or fitness for a particular purpose.

Opinions provided by newsletter articles, or by speakers, members, or guests who address the meetings, are individual opinions only, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the group. All opinions and information should be carefully considered, and the group is not liable for any incident or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing or use of any information or opinions. Brand names and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Out and About (Con’t from Page 1)
Edge” column for FoxTalk. His consulting practise in California includes both corporate customers and firms that market applications written in FoxPro. He gives in-house seminars in English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Les is a private pilot, and once played lead guitar in the road band for Jerry Lee Lewis. [Sorry.. .just had to stick that it in, Les!J


November 17-21, 1997. Comdex ‘97, the big daddy of all computer trade conferences, convenes in Las Vegas. The convention pulled in about 250,000 people last year, clogged up all the phone lines, and filled every hotel in the area. If you’re going, you’d better start planning now.

January 19-23, 1998. Application Developers Training Company is offering an intensive 5-day training class in VFP in Los Angeles. January 19-20 is the “Fundamentals” portion, January 21-22 is the “Intermediate” class, and January 23 is the “Advanced” level class. Cost of the class vary: Introductory Only (2 days) - $695; Intermediate Only (2 days) - $695; Advanced Only (1 day) - $395. They’re also offered in combinations: Intro and Intermediate - $1,195; Intermediate and Advanced - $895; and all three seminars - $1,495. For more information, contact ADTC at 800/578-2062 or visit their WebSite at http:/Mww.appdev. corn.

Spring ‘98 - FoxPro Developers Conference. Microsoft and Advisor
Publications surprised all of us by announcing their next DevCon for May of
1998. Stay tuned, right here, for more details. (You’ll know as soon as we

August ‘98 - 2nd Annual Southern California FoxPro Conference. Sponsored by Microcomputer Engineering Services, LLC, this conference was one of the highlights of the 1997 “conference season”, providing a chance to see nationally-known speakers in a somewhat smaller, more intimate setting. Last year, the conference drew attendees from New Jersey to The Phillipines. This time out, the conference is going to be held at The Doubletree Hotel in Orange County. The conference WebSite will be up and running shortly, providing all the details for this great cost-effective event. And, of course, you can follow all the details right here. So start making plans now to attend.

Since We Last Met...

It’s Microsoft’s Turn in the Barrel...Again. In an effort to stop a perceived Microsoft monopoly, the Justice Deptartment is reviewing a request to fine MS $1 M per day for unfair practices (and violation of its 1995 agreement/ settlement), based upon it’s apparent insistence that Internet Explorer be installed as an integral part of Windows 95 by manufacturers of PCs. The parade has been joined by Netscape, Sun Microsystems, and, in an effort to get back into the limelight, Ralph Nader.

Would You Care to Quantify That?...If you’re looking for some way to truly quantify Bill Gates’ wealth check out:
http://turnon.netlite.com/incoming/BillGatesWealthIndex.txt http://www.webho.com/WealthClock

Kind of interesting.
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