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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
October 1997
The LA Fox Developer
is the monthly newsletter of
the LA Fox Developers Group. The purpose is
information sharing among application developers
and users working with
LA Fox Address
LA Fox
Barry R. Lee
P.O. Box 6624
Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6624
LA Fox Board of Directors
Barry R.
Lee, President/Newsletter Editor
Bill Anderson, Vice President/Programs
Twila Miller, Treasurer/Membership
Chuck Williams, President Emeritus
George Dvorak
Bill Seldon
Mike Cummings
Michael Meer
George Porter
LA Fox is the oldest FoxPro developer’s group in
Southern California. The newsletter contains regular
columns as well as articles from other user groups.
XPro User Group
Randy Unruh
2210 Wilshire Blvd. -#161
Santa Monica, CA
OC FoxPro Developers Group
Mike Vincent
The annual membership fee for the LA Fox Develop-
ers Group, including subscription to The LA Fox
Developer Newsletter, is $45.
Neither the LA Fox User Group, the XPro User
Group, the OC FoxPro Developers Group, their
officers or board of directors or their members make
any express or implied warranties of any kind with
regard to any information disseminated, including,
but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and!
or fitness for a particular purpose.
Opinions provided by newsletter articles, or by
speakers, members, or guests who address the
meetings, are individual opinions only, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of the group. All
opinions and information should be carefully consid-
ered, and the group is not liable for any incident or
consequential damages in connection with, or arising
out of, the furnishing or use of any information or
opinions. Brand names and product names may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respec-
tive owners.
Out and About
(Con’t from page 1)
computer trade conferences, convenes in Las Vegas. The convention
pulled in about 250,000 people last year, clogged up all the phone lines,
and filled every hotel in the area. If you’re going, you’d better start planning
now. (See also Tom Rombouts’ contribution, “Free Comdex Tickets”, page
Spring ‘98
FoxPro Developers Conference.
Microsoft and Advisor
Publications surprised all of us by announcing their next DevCon for May of
1998. Stay tuned, right here, for more details. (You’ll know as soon as we
August ‘98
2nd Annual Southern California FoxPro Conference.
Sponsored by Microcomputer Engineering Services, LLC, this conference
was one of the highlights of the 1997 “conference season”, providing a
chance to see nationally-known speakers in a somewhat smaller, more
intimate setting. Last year, the conference drew attendees from New
Jersey to The Phillipines. This time out, the conference is going to be held
at The Doubletree Hotel in Orange County. The conference WebSite will be
up and running shortly, providing all the details for this great cost-effective
event. And, of course, you can follow all the details right here. So start
making plans now to attend.
Since We Last Met...
We missed
it. Monday, October 13, was designated “Boss Day”. ..by who
I don’t exactly know. But it makes sense that if we have Secretary’s Day,
we ought to have Boss Day. In honor of this most holy of days <g>, you
should point your browsers to
The title of this
says it all ‘When Winners
for Losers”.
Steve Ballmer, #2 man at
was the focus of a recent LA Times
business article. It was an interesting read, particularly when it turned to
some of Ballmer’s opinions about the competition. Regarding Sun
Microsystems, Ballmer is quoted as having said, “Wierd.
.they put a lot of
energy in A but make their money on B. Java [a Sun programming lan-
guage seen as a threat to Microsoft] is not doing anything for Sun’s work-
station sales.” I wonder what would drive him to say that. <s>
Another Steve, this time
Steve Sawyer, of
the Detroit Area FoxPro Users
Group, has been selected to replace Drew Speedie as author/compiler of
FoxPro Advisors tricks and tips column, “FoxPro Techniques”. So, here’s
a “good luck” tip of the hat to him. Visit his Website at
He’s got quite a few “tricky tips” posted there.
Help Wanted...
Microcomputer Engineering Services, LLC, is desparately looking for people
proficient in FoxPro (FPW 2.6 and VFP). Excellent working conditions with
a chance to be in on the latest FoxPro-related technologies. Need some-
one capable of “hitting the bricks running”. Call Mike Meer or Barry R. Lee,
800/499-6237, or e-mail us at
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