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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
September 1997
(Con’t from page 4)
Some ActiveX controls may expose a property sheet via the
shortcut menu. In VFP, all of the object’s properties and
methods are also exposed in the VFP Properties sheet. This
makes using ActiveX controls nearly identical to any other
VFP 3 does add a twist to this: it does not receive ActiveX
events. For example, if your ActiveX control triggers a Windows
event, VFP3 will know nothing about it. This may be a critical
shortcoming for some controls. It all depends on the control
and its usage.
Case Study: ChartFX
Our application called for a way to visually display data. We
already provided a means to export data to Excel, and once
there, could be graphed, however this task is beyond most
users. We needed to keep it simple. ActiveX controls, due to
their size cannot possibly provide the feature set of a large
application. In this case, the relatively limited functionality of
ActiveX controls was just what we needed
something small
and easy to use. Experienced users who want more would still
be able to export data to a more full-featured graphing applica-
There are many very good graphing packages available, includ-
ing Pinnacle’s Graphics Server, ChartFX, etc. There were four
that stood out and their feature set was nearly identical. Some
provided a better object model than others, but the one we
decided on was SoftwareFX’s ChartFX due to its superior end-
A Brief Review of
The most outstanding feature is it’s exposed end-user interface
available at run-time. It has received a tremendous response
from our user base and actually receives applause during
customer train ings. However, it is not built with an exposed
object model. There is a great deal of flexibility available
programmatically, but most of the properties are used to store
multiple values using bitwise operators. Bitwise operators may
be familiar to C developers, but to others it may take some
getting used to.
The hard-copy documentation just adds weight to the box.
However the on-line help is quite thorough, although it is not
indexed well at all. Finding what you’re looking for is some-
times very difficult. The documentation also provides many
examples for several platforms generally including C++, VB,
VFP and Delphi. The product ships with sample code for each
of these platforms as well.
SoftwareFX maintains a very good web site as well as a
CompuServe forum. Technical support is handled through one
person, but I’ve always received excellent service via phone, e-
mail, or CompuServe. Product updates are posted on the web
site when available, generally monthly. The updates contain
only code changes, but a program is available from the web site
to merge the delta files into the OCX.
As with most ActiveX controls, ChartFX requires a substantial
wrapper to make it reusable within VFP applications. This is
not to say that it is difficult to work with, just that you will want
to create the wrapper to expose an interface more familiar to
your other VFP developers. This also allows you to customize
the control to fit your application.
The Design Challenge
The challenge in designing this graphing tool is to make it
flexible enough that it can be used with any data, from any grid,
in the system. The data sources for these grids are the results
of queries written on-the-fly based on user input.
The most common type of data is a simple query result with
multiple rows of data and several fields, including numerous
“key” fields and other “value” fields. We’ll let the user select
which fields will be used in the graph and what type of graph to
After looking at how data is loaded into the graph, it was
determined that there are three basic graph types requiring data
to be loaded in three distinct formats: bar/line, scatter, and pie.
The ChartFX control can display other graph types, including hi-
low graphs, but we’ll stick with the three basics for now. The
format that the data is
as a result of the initial query may not
be appropriate for loading into the graph. Therefore, a transfor-
mation needs to be done prior to loading the data into the graph.
Exactly what form the data needs to take depends on the user’s
Object Design
There are basically three objects that will accomplish this task:
the engine, the wizard, and the graph. Each object can vary
independently of the others so that each component can be
written for specific cases. For example, a cross-tab grid may
use a different engine and a time-series may not use a wizard at
The Engine
The engine is a non-visual control that knows how to talk to the
grid (to get table structure information), how to get input from
the user (using the wizard), how to build the SQL-SELECT, and
finally how to display the graph.
The Wizard
The wizard is the user-interface. The only thing it knows how to
do is interact with the user. The engine will query the wizard
when it needs to know something.
The Graph
Once the SQL-SELECT has been run, the en
graph (or the form containing the graph) and t
data and display itself. The graph can receive
that it can format itself, set the graph type, lo
display series legends.
(Con’t, page 6)
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