The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
April 1998
SQL Searches (Con’t from page 3)
the % at each end of the search phrase to get a substring
search or you can put the % at the end of the search phrase
only and get a search similar to using the = sign. With the
same syntax and view, you have two different search methods
with one view and one screen!

VFP Hot Tip...
Property Sheet Keyboard
If you’re like me, you quickly got tired of scrolling up and down
through the property sheet looking for the Value, Visible or
some other property. Use the Ctrl+Alt+First Letter keystroke
combination to quickly navigate your way around the Property
sheet. For example, at the form object level, Ctrl+Alt+C takes
you directly to the Caption property.

When you’re dealing with a built in a VFP property, (.Visible for
example), you can double click on the property to switch back
and forth between the logical values. If you’re a keyboard hound
like me, just pressing the period (.) key with also toggle be-
tween .T. and .F. The Right and Left arrow keys will also work.

Some properties, BufferMode for example, allow you to select,
from a drcdpdown list of c options The Right and Left arrow keys
allow you to cycle through the options.
Special Big Announcement
The LA Fox Developer’s Group has entered into an agree-
ment with Macmillan Computer Publishing. LA Fox mem-
bers can now purchase all Macmillan Computer Publishing
titles at a discount of 30% off retail pricing.

Macmillan owns the following publishers:
New Riders Press
The Waite Group
Que Education & Training
Macmillan Technical Publishing
Adobe Press
Borland Press
Lycos Press

With all these publishers and over 40% market share,
Macmillan has the best books for computer technology.

To take advantage of this offer, you must be a member-in-good-
standing (read current and paid-up) and have a credit card. You
can receive our special account number and the 800 access
number by calling me at 800/499-6237 or 714/375-3300, ore-
mailing me at CompuServe (72723,3422) or brlee@earthlink.net.
Multiple Instances (con’t from page 5)
IF _foxtfnd.t.
RETURN llRunning

Membership Corner...
Where Do I Send
My Membership Fees?
LA Fox membership fees, which are $48 annually, should be
sent to:
LA Fox
c/o Twila Miller
1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd. -#191
Manhatten Beach, CA 90266
e-mail: tamiller@earthlink.net

Checks should be made payable to LA Fox.
It Can’t Get Any Easier
We’ve come up with an easy way to submit articles to the LA
Fox DeveloperNewsietter one that has been overlooked for
a long time.

You can submit your articles to Barry Lee at CIS# 72723,3422
on Compuserve, or brlee@earthlink.net.

These articles can be on any FoxPro-related topic, whether it
concerns a new technique you’ve discovered, a certain develop-
ment technique you may favor over others, book reviews, etc.
Editor reserves the right to edit or offer constructive comments
concerning submitted articles and accepted articles shall be
considered to be in the public domain.

The quality of this newsletter really depends on the members
that support it, not just read it. And I think we’d all be surprised
by the useful information that could be circulated around the

How ‘bout it?
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