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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
February 1995
Reporting With Variable
Number of Copies
by Toni Mas of S.Quirze del Vallês,
lot of times, within an aplication, we must launch reports with
a number of copies and we all know that running on Windows
each ‘report
instruction has a performance cost. Due to that
fact I’ve been trying different ways to make the reports with
copies appearing as pages for Windows to launch an unique
‘report’ command and have better performance. This problem is
still worse when the number of copies of a document I variable
depending on each record of our database.
Let’s see an example:
I’ve got a 'Customer' table where each costumer has different
number of copies per invoice to be sent. In the other hand I’ve
got a header invoice file called ‘head_mv’ and another file
containing several lines per each header called ‘Iines’.When we
run the invoice report we must send different number of copies
each invoice depending on its customer.We cannot modify the
‘system.ini’ file ‘cause it must be different each time and it’ll be a
I’ve written this procedure that takes from the calling program
the followind data parameters:
Number of the document
Number of copies to print
A string that contains 'Printer' or ‘Screen’ to
select the output.
Then I propose to doing it this way (it works for me):
I. .We create a cursor that will contain a record for each copie
and also the number of the invoice (or document).
create cursor repeat (invoice N(1O),numcopia N(2))
for copia 0 to coples7F
insert into repeat (invoice,numcopia) values (document,copia)
2.We create a sql-select where the ‘lines’ file is the main file
and has a relation with its header through its number of docu-
ment and also with the ‘repeat’ file in order to generate an exact
line per copy. The results must be ordered by the element
Select llnes.*,head_inv.*, repeat.numcopia from;
where header_inv.document lines.document and;
order by repeat.numcopia into cursor llistat
(Con’t, next column)
Special Big Announcement
The LA Fox Developer’s Group has entered into an agree-
ment with Macmillan Computer Publishing. LA Fox mem-
bers can now purchase all Macmillan Computer Publishing
titles at a discount of 30% off retail pricing.
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number by calling me at 800/499-6237 or 714/375-3300, ore-
mailinq me at CompuServe (72723,3422) or brlee@earthlink. net.
(Con't from previous column)
3.The cursor ‘Ilistat’ is the basis to build the report.That report
must be grouped by repeat. Numcopia and must skip new page
4.We state
if Iloc’Screen’
form preview
form noco to printer
That’s it!.Now we have an unique ‘report’ command and Fox
windows will show us the report screen telling the number of
copies insted of appearing once for each copy or the command
I’m sure this snipet’ll help a lot of people as well as me. By the
way I’m looking forward to receiving some comments to en-
hance it or to solve any questions to whoever has them.
(Ed. Note: Toni may be reached
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