From Information Week...
Microsoft To Upgrade
Visual FoxPro Database
Development Tool
by Rich Levin
At its Visual FoxPro developers’ conference next week, Microsoft will kick off a significant upgrade of its Visual FoxPro database development plafform, a key ingredient of the company’s Visual Studio 6.0 tools suite, slated for release this summer.

Version 6.0 of the object-oriented rapid application development tool will sport a new object framework, visual component management facilities, automated year 2000 compliance tools, and an integrated database application performance profiler. Turnkey support for Microsoft’s Active Document Internet-based fat-client technology has also been added.

The feature certain to be of most interest to FoxPro shops will be t ue product’s new “strict date” format and associated tools, which can automatically identify noncompliant and ambiguous dates, and generate application errors that can be trapped. Once the dates are identified, developers say it’s a simple task to repair broken applications and certify them as year 2000 compliant.

‘We definitely need the year 2000 enhancements,” says VFP 6.0 beta tester Jeremy Lanctot, senior process engineer at the commercial aviation systems division of Honeywell Inc. “Our FoxPro applications take in data from a number of global legacy systems, and when we get the data, it arrives in two digits. We have a whole task force that is addressing this issue, and these tools are helpful in that area.”

Microsoft officials claim the new strict data format and year 2000 compliance tools are backward compatible with all past editions of FoxPro tools and, as such, all FoxPro databases in use today.

The new VFP foundation classes provide 100 ready-to-go libraries that deliver prebuilt application functionality that would otherwise have to be coded by hand, Microsoft officials say. The
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At LA Fox...

May 18,1998,7:30 PM. - To be Announced. La FOX wfll be meeting this night, even though this meeting falls right at the beginning of DevCon in Orlando, FL. So if you’re not going to Orlando, you can still get your “Fox fix”. Bill Anderson, LA Fox Vice President will be presiding.


VISUAL FOXPRO DEVCON 98 May 17-20, Orlando, FL. Come learn all about Tahoe, the next version of Microsoft Visual FoxPro at Visual FoxPro DevCon, presented by MSDN and FoxPro Advisor Magazine. For more information visit: http:ll www.microsoft.com/vfoxpro/http://www.advisor.com/fc9805c.nsf/

MICROSOFT TECHED 98 June 1-4, New Orleans, LA. This is the definitive technical conference for building complete solutions with Microsoft technologies. For more information or to register visit: http://www.microsoft.com/events/teched/.

August 20-23, 1998 - 2nd Annual Southern California Visual FoxPro Conference. Sponsored by Microcomputer Engineering Services, LLC, this conference was one of the highlights of the 1997 “conference season”, providing a chance to see nationally-known speakers in a somewhat smaller, more intimate selling. Last year, the conference drew attendees from New Jersey to The Phillipines. This time out, the conference is going to be held at The DoubleTree Hotel in Orange County. The conference WebSite is up and running (http://
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The LA Fox Developer
A Newsletter for FoxPro Application Developers in Southern California Visit our WebSite at: http://www.mesllc.com/Iafox.html May 1998
Out and About
by Barry R. Lee
The May meeting of LA Fox will be held on May 18, 1998, at 7:30 PM at our regular meeting place (the Torrance Airport, 3301 Airport Drive, in Torrance). For details on how to get there, see the map on the back page.
In this issue Free VFP Sample Programs Cascade Function
Add Field-Level Help
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