The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
September 1998
Knowledge Base Articles (Con't from page 6)

Q178049, Q174914, Q174062
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The MSHeIp Index is updated monthly. For more information about MSHeIp, see http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/ articles/q183/1/21.asp.

Developer Support News Watch September 7, 1998

Visual Studio 6.0 is here, and MSDN has all the details

MSDN has a huge package of fresh technical articles, interviews, code samples, and other information about Microsoft’s new tools suite. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/developer/ newsfleatureNS6release/

The product sites have also been updated with a new look and lots of new information for the Visual Studio 6.0 rollout:

Visual Studio 6.0: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/
Visual Basic 6.0: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasicI
Visual C+~±: http:/In.sdn.micro.~cft.comA’k~uaIc/
Visual FoxPro: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxprol
Visual lnterDev: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vinterdevl
Visual J++: http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualjI
Visual SourceSafe 6.0: http://msdn.microsoft.com/ssafeI

Developer Support News Watch - September 7, 1998

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ters by going to the Personal Information Center:

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FoxPro Q & A
How do I add a checkbox to a column in a grid?

By default, the column in a grid contains a textbox. To replace the textbox with a checkbox

1. Right click on the grid and select the Properites optior~.

2. In the Properties sheet, select the column in which you want to place the checkbox.

3. Click the Checkbox control on the Form Designer toolbar and then click over the textbox in the required column in the Form Design sheet. Checki should now appear under that column in the Properties sheet.

4. Change the column’s CurrentControl property to Checki.

How can I delete multiple files at one time from a FoxPr4 dire ctoty?

The procedure to delete a number of files using a file skeleton similar to the MS-DOS command, DEL *BAK is given below. Just as for its MS-DOS equivalent, you can pass it a path if the files to be deleted are NOT in the default (current) directory.


SET SAFETY OFF Iibactive=.F.
filecount=O filename=SYS(2000,pathname)
WHILE LEN(filename) > 0
IF filecountO
*activate library
SET LIBRARY TO SYS(2004)+’foxtools’ ADDITIVE libactive.T.
DELETE FILE (forcepath(filename, justpath(pathname)))
IF libactive
RELEASE LIBRARY SYS(2004)+’foxtools’
? ALLTRIM(STR(filecount)) + Files have been deleted.’ PROCEDURE ENDS

How can I label an invisible button?

To put a title on an invisible button, try the following steps:
1. Define the invisible Push button.
2. Define a Label with the text you want displayed.
3. Drag the Label over the Push button.
4. Select the Label and click on SEND TO BACK in the Object
(Con't page 9)
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