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The LA Fox Developer
September 1998
Back By Popular Demand!
VFE DevCon!
Fl Technologies
ThaVs right, it’s happening again. Fl Technologies is pleased to
announce that it will be hosting the 4th almost annual Visual
FoxExpress Developers Conference from November 8th-I Ith at
Treasure Island in Las Vegas, Nevada. This year we’ve really out
done ourselves and expect this DevCon to be the best FE
DevCon to date! Our list of speakers includes Visual FoxPro
and Visual FoxExpress experts Steven Black of Steven Black
Consulting, Randy Brown of Microsoft, Jim Duffy of TakeNote
Computing, Markus Egger of EPS Software, our own Mike
Feltman and Toni Feltman, Doug Hennig of Stonefield Systems
Group, Ken Levy of ClassX
subcontractor for Microsoft, Randy
McAtee, John Petersen of Integrated Database Technologies,
and Jeff Kuehn and Elif Kurklu from DesignMind.
For those of you still working in FoxPro 2.6 with FoxExpress
you’ll be pleased to know that on Sunday, November 8th, we will
be offering a special pre-conference seminar entitled “Migrating
FoxExpress 2.x Applications to Visual FoxExpress.” This
special pre-conference seminar is included at no charge with
conference registration, however, you must pre-registerto
We are also pleased to announce.that EPS Software will be
conducting a one-day seminar on usinq its new product, Visual
Web Builder, on Sunday, November 8th. Further details on this
event will be posted as soon as they are available.
The conference will focus on Visual FoxExpress 98, key Visual
FoxPro topics in helping you understand Visual FoxExpress 98
and the integration of other popular Visual FoxPro products with
Visual FoxExpress 98.
Exhibitors in this year’s tradeshow include Fl Technologies,
Stonefield Systems, TakeNote Computing, ClassX and EPS
Anyone using Visual FoxExpress to develop applications should
seriously consider attending VFE DevCon. VFE DevCon is the
only opportunity for you to receive training from the authors of
Visual FoxExpress as well as noted Visual FoxPro and Visual
FoxExpress experts all under one roof. We’ve also placed a lot
of emphasis on topics that will help you understand the design
of VFE and how to leverage VFE components in other applica-
tions. These topics will most likely not be presented anywhere
else! Because the conference will coincide closely with the
release of Visual FoxExpress 98 it will also be the best opportu-
nity for you to learn all about the new features in Visual
FoxExpress 98.
You New to VFP?
We’re pleased to announce that we have made special arrange-
ments with Jim Duffy of Takenote computing, one of the most
respected Visual FoxPro instructors around, to hold a special
one day “Introduction to Visual FoxPro” course at Treasure
Island on Saturday, November 7th. This course is designed to
give you a jump start on Visual FoxPro so you won’t be totally
clueless for the rest of the conference! The Introduction to
Visual FoxPro couse will focus on those Visual FoxPro topics
that are most key to understanding object-orientation and the
new features in Visual FoxPro. The cost to attend this special
seminar is just $299 if you also register for VFE DevCon. If
you’d like to just attend the one day course the cost is $399.
Tune in here in a few weeks for a complete outline of the
Registration and Costs
To register for Visual FoxExpress DevCon 98, contact Fl
Technologies today at (419)255-6366, e-mail info@fltech.com.
The cost of the conference, is just $599 US. If you register
before September 1st, you’ll receive a $100 discount on the
registration price. If you register before September 31st, you’ll
receive a $50 discount on the registration price. Payment must
be received with your registration in order to receive a discount.
If multiple people from your organization register for the confer-
ence you may deduct an additional $50 from each registration
after the 1st registration.
Steven Black
Randy Brown
Jim Duffy
Markus Egger Toni Feltman
Mike Feltman
Doug Hennig
Jeff Kuehn
Elif Kurklu
Ken Levy
Randy McAtee John Petersen
Travis Vandersypen
FoxPro Q&A
(Con’t fmm page 9)
Suppose you want three fields from the child table:
cdate,customer,amount ljstring=DTOC(cdate)+ ‘+customer+
REPLACE rpttbl.chiIdl WITH rpttbl.childl+Ijstring+CHR(1 3)
*Append this line to the memo field in new parent ENDSCAN
SELECT child2 SET ORDER TO TAG keyfleld
Now suppose you want
different fields from the child table:
office, phone Ijstring office+’ ‘+phone
(Con't, page
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