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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
September 1998
FoxPro Q&A
(Con’t from page 7)
How do / troubleshoot the error message ‘illegal Seek Offset’?
This error means that FoxPro is trying to position a File Pointer
beyond the end of the file or before the beginning of the file.
This usually occurs in large databases, when you use the
SEEK command to find a particular record. The most common
reason for this error is that the Index files are corrupted.
To resolve this problem:
Delete all the index tags using the DELETE TAG ALL and
create the Index file again. Don’t use the REIN DEX command
because this does not recreate the Index file header that may
also be corrupted.
In Visual FoxPro, when you issue DELETE TAG ALL on a table
that belongs to a DBC, all the relations this table was involved in
will be deleted. So you will have to set them back programmati-
cally. To add relations programmatically use the ALTER TABLE
command with the ADD and REFERENCES clauses.
How can I group Child Records from
different tables in a
Suppose you have a parent table, say CUSTOMER that has two
or more child tables, say INVOICES and CONTACTS and you
want to create a report from the tables given below.
CUSTOMER ABC Company 123 Main St. (Parent record)
CONTACTS John Doe (Child record) Jane Doe
INVOICES (Child record) 12345 Widgets, 67890 Things
Here’s what you can do:
‘First, create a dummy table with two memo fields:
CREATE dummy (childi m, child2 m)
‘Now, do a SELECT from the parent table, joining the two memo
FROM parent,dummy INTO TABLE rpttbl
‘Now you have a table just like the parent table, but with two
memo fields to hold related info from the children
INDEX ON keyfield TAG keyfield
‘Here we create a CDX for the rpttbl
SELECT childi SET ORDER TO TAG keyfield
(Con’t, page 4)
is so fast, why don’t we throw some more data at it? Something
along the lines of 200,000 users and 7 million or so demo-
graphic answers.
Frankly I think they were growing tired of my snide remarks
about FoxPro’s abilities and wanted to bring Fox to it’s knees.
They were greatly disappointed when the processing on 7
million records only took 10 seconds.
In the end the client gets an application that runs 2000%
percent faster on 20 times as much data. Another happy
customer. Another successful FoxPro application.
LA Fox
It Can’t Get Any Easier.......
We’ve come up with an easy way to submit articles to the
Developer Newsletter
one that has been overlooked for
a long time.
You can submit your articles to Barry Lee at CIS# 72723,3422
on Compuserve, or
These articles can be on any FoxPro-related topic, whether it
concerns a new technique you’ve discovered, a certain develop-
ment technique you may favor over others, book reviews, etc.
Editor reserves the right to edit or offer constructive comments
concerning submitted articles and accepted articles shall be
considered to be in the public domain.
The quality of this newsletter really depends on the members
that support it, not just read it. And I think we’d all be surprised
by the useful information that could be circulated around the
How ‘bout it?
(Ed. Note: Todd Landrum is an independent developer in
Evergreen, Colorado. He’s also easily pressured into writing
newsletter articlescg>. He can be reached as
paladin@ecentral .com]
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