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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
August 1999
(Con't from page 3)
Frameworks are comprised of many parts and these parts have
requirements that are placed on the other parts of the framework
and on the components of the application. These requirements
are called contracts.
When you select, or build, a framework there will be a method
prescribed for building your forms and the other parts of your
application in order to allow the framework to function correctly.
For example, the framework may require that your forms are
built as classes in a visual class library rather than as forms in
the form designer. Th:s may or may not be a problem for you.
Perhaps you prefer to use the visual dataenvironment designer
in the visual form designer, well if your framework requires forms
as classes then the visual dataenvironment designer is not an
option for you.
If you make heavy use of pageframes or grids in your interface
then you should be sure that your framework will provide good
support for these containers.
What Kind Of User Interface Do
You Use?
User interfaces come in all sizes and shapes, mostly bad. Let’s
put that point to the side, this paper is about frameworks and
user interfaces.
Your applications may present themselves to your users in one
of a variety of ways. There are process centric, data centric, and
god! centrie approaches to ths
Process centric
applications focus the user on the processes that are done like
creating invoices, or applying cash receipts. Data centric
applications orient the user to the data they work with, these
types of applications ask the user to specify the file they are
interested in and then let the user manipulate or edit the records
in the chosen file. Finally, goal centric applications focuses the
user on their goals and presents activities that are goal directed.
Your framework will very likely be in your way if it is data centric
while you are building a goal centric application.
Determining the Scope
In observing a number of frameworks, both commercial and
custom built, the single most common problem I have seen is
that the framework goes too far. When a framework tries to be
more than the skeleton for your work it gets in your way. A
framework is NOT an application wizard!
Imagine you just bought a new car and you are ready to drive it
off the car lot. You get in, put the key in, start the car and press
on the gas. As you leave the lot you turn the wheel to the right,
but the car goes to the left. You stop and go back to the
salesman and ask,
does the car go left when I turn right”?
He says, oh that is a feature of this car, you see it sensed there
was a lot of traffic on the right so it went left for you instead. Not
very good
Well if every time you wanted to present your user with a certain
set of options you first had to remove all of the options that the
framework put in for you, you would soon become just as
irritated with the framework.
You need to determine for what the framework is responsible
and for what the developer is responsible. Don’t use or build a
framework that makes the developer work harder to get the
result they want.
If you do build your own framework and you want to provide
additional functionality beyond the framework’s responsibility,
then build a developer’s toolkit as an addition to the framework.
That way the developer can decide to use your toolkit or not as
they choose and they are not bound by your style or approach.
Qualities of a Good Framework
The overall structure of the framework must be easy to under-
stand. A well designed framework can be taught to a new
developer in a few days at most. Obviously, the details of all of
the methods and properties involved are not taught in a few
days, but the new developer should be able to understand how
the thing works very quickly and then fill in the details as they
use it.
This simplicity is achieved by giving the parts of the framework
clear and consistent interfaces. All objects of the same lineage
should have the same interface. For example if a local data form
has a method named PackTables, so should the remote data
form even though the method would have no purpose in this
Because by all forms having the same methods we
can interchange the controls in the forms without concern. If we
had a delete button that had code to delete a record and then
call the form’s PackTables method this button could be safely
used in both the local and remote data forms because both
form’s have a PackTables method. In the remote data form the
PackTables method safely does nothing, but there is no error
when the button calls it.
The behavioral aspects of the framework must be encapsulated.
It should not be necessary for the developer to know any of the
details about how the framework does something in order for
them to use the framework. If the developer must understand
the actual code in the framework then there is a definite design
problem in that framework.
The public interface for the classes in the framework should be
as simple as possible. Since it is the public interface that the
developer will be working with it is important to keep it no more
complex than is necessary to achieve the desired functionality.
The developer should not have to sequentially call three or four
methods in the framework to accomplish a certain process.
The single most common problem with frameworks that I have
seen is the lack, or violation, of the boundaries of the frame-
work. A framework has clear and succinct responsibilities
(Con’t, page
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