The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
March 1999
Primary Keys (Con’t from page 1)

numeric, it really only handles those data types at present. It is up to me to ensure that it will work properly when called for a particular primary key (and I really won’t be using it that much, so this burden is not too great). It’s very new code and probably will require some refining before I fully implement it. It’s presented here as an option to the previously mentioned solution of using a conditional index. I’d appreciate any comments or improvements that you might offer.

My delete method accepts two parameters, MyPKTag and MyPKExpr. MyPKTag is the name of the tag that is the primary key. MyPKExpr is the name of the field that the tag is based on. The GetFId Len function just returns the integer length a numeric value. The following code goes right after you have determined that the record was successfully deleted (the record pointer is now on another record in my situation):

Should we reset the primary key’s value?
type(’MyPKTag’) = ‘C’ and not empty(MyPKTag)
NewRec = recno() && Rec the ptr is on after delete
This is not the deleted record
set order to (MyPKTag)
Done = .f.
do while not Done
do case
case type(MyPKExpr) = ‘C’
NewPKVal = sys(2015)
if len(&MyPKExpr) < 10
case type(MyPKExpr) = ‘N’
if type(’NewPKVal’) = ‘U’
FIdLen = thisform.GetFldLen(MyPKExpr)
NewPKVal = val(replicate(’9’, FIdLen))
NewPKVaI = NewPKVal -1
seek NewPKVaI
Done = not found()
go DeletedRec && Record number of deleted record replace &MyPKExpr with NewPKVaI
if CursorGetProp(”Buffering”)> I
go NewRec

(Ed. Note: You can visit the Atlanta FoxPro Users Group by pointing your bro wserto http://www.afug.com)

LA Fox
Microsoft Announcements
from My e-Mail
Microsoft Office 2000 Developer. Go farther with a jump start. Microsoft Corporation invites you to attend the Developer Technology Tour ‘99 coming this spring to your local user group. This 14-city North American tour comes to the Anaheim Hilton on May 11. Microsoft will demonstrate how to build real business solutions quickly using the applications you use every day, including Microsoft Office 2000.

Product managers from Microsoft’s corporate campus in Redmond will demonstrate the newest developer features in Microsoft Office 2000. You’ll also see how to take advantage of the tools in Microsoft Office 2000 Developer to increase produc tivity, deliver corporate data to the desktop, and simplify management and deployment.

As a bonus, you’ll also get a preview of the latest third party VBA enabled applications that work with Office 2000 Developer to make it easy to integrate custom functionality into your solutions. This event is a must for any developer seeking to create custom solutions with VBA.

This meeting is free and open to the public. Please plan to arrive early as seating is limited. The first 100 attendees will receive a beta 3 copy of Windows2000. In addition, all attendees will receive a TechTour T-shirt, 3 month subscription to Microsoft Office & Visual Basic for Applications Developer magazine, and participation in our software raffle. Presented in cooperation with the Orange County Visual Basic Users Group <http:// www.ocvbug.org/>.

Windows Update is the online extension of Windows 98 that helps you get the most out of your computer. Minor year 2000 (Y2K) issues have been identified and fixed in the Microsoft Windows 98 operating system. We recommend that all users update their current version of Windows 98 by visiting the Windows Update Web site . Also, please refer to the Windows 98 Y2K Product Guide for details and recommendations to address known issues. For more information, visit: http:// windowsupdate. microsoft.com/.

(FOR CORPORATE IT MANAGERS.. .The Windows Update Team is pleased to announce the launch of a new download site specifically for you. In response to requests for a central download location for Win98 bits we have created a site which allows Corporate IT managers to download Critical Updates for Windows 98 in a redistributal form. Visit http://microsoft.com/ windows98/downloads/corporate.asp)

GET OFFICE 97 TODAY AND RECEIVE OFFICE 2000 FREE* If you purchase Office 97 between January 1, 1999 and July 31,
(Con't, page 8)
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