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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
March 1999
Microsoft Tidbits
March 10, 1999
1— Keeping Safe, Sound, and Secure with Microsoft
Windows NT 4.0
Discussing security with your clients and helping them plan
secure systems are valuable opportunities to gain credibility—
and grow your service revenues at the same time. Windows NT
Server 4.0 relies on a comprehensive set of security features
that ensures only authorized users and applications can access
system resources. It offers three different avenues to regulate
access to your system and the information in it: guest account,
share level permissions, and file level permissions. And Win-
dows NT Server 4.0 provides everything you need to build a
secure system right in the box. Find out more about keeping
your customers’ information secure at:
2—The Details of Y2K: Finding Minor Issues Before They
Become Major Headaches
It’s easy to make assumptions about Y2K compliance or date
usage of an item without carefully verifying them first. Finding
the truth requires creative thinking and the willingness to dig
deeply enough to find out how an application or piece of equip-
ment actually operates. But the payoff is catching those little
issues now that could cause major disruptions later—a service
your clients will remember. Read about the surprising results
some companies got when they tested their supposedly
compliant systems, and the techniques you can use to nip
future problems in the bud.
3— New Licensing Options for Your Terminal Server
Customers (US Only)
Now you can offer your clients new licensing and packaging
options to facilitate the variety of scenarios in which they use
Microsoft Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition. Check
out this bulletin that describes specific SKU options, offers
timelines for customers to acquire the new products, and points
to charts that help you choose the required licenses.
4— Piracy Bust Reveals Over 32,000 Stolen Copies of
Microsoft Office 97 Illegally Sold Worldwide
The owner of a Boston, Massachusetts-based computer store
has pleaded guilty to numerous counts for selling over US$20
million of stolen Microsoft software between 1994 and 1997. The
stolen software consisted mainly of Office 97 Professional
Edition and was sold to CD-ROM resellers in California and
England. Two other men, who supplied the stolen goods, have
also pleaded guilty and are awaiting sentencing, according to
U.S. Attorney Donald Stern. Find out how to prevent piracy and
what to do if you suspect it in your area, at:
5— Microsoft Direct Access (MSDA) Local Briefings: Locate
and Register for One Near You Today!
The MSDA Local Briefings are your key resource for making the
most of the latest Microsoft products. Learn how to offer your
customers new services and options that will increase your
income and make your clients’ businesses bigger, faster,
stronger and better then ever before! This quarter’s topics
include (may vary with location):
Deploying Office 2000
How to Build Collaboration Solutions with Office 2000
Building Better Databases with Office 2000
Remote Management of Windows NT Server 4.0 and Small
Business Server 4.5
-Tuning Windows NT Server4.0 with Service Pack 4(for
Reliability and Performance)
Installing and Deploying Small Business Server 4.5
Integrating Wndows NT Server Into a Novell Environment
How to Sell Against NetWare
Register now and receive the Microsoft Direct Access Quarterly
Update Kit FREE’ The kit is full of how-to, technical, and
product information; Direct Access Quarterly Update Sales CD
including sales, marketing, and technical resources about key
Microsoft business products; Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service
Pack 4 CD; and the Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 IT Essen-
tials CD Kit, including a 120-day evaluation copy of Exchange
Server 5.5. (Offer good in North America Only)
To locate exact agendas and register for an event near you, go
Microsoft Direct Access Online Technical Support
Your one-stop shop for Community and Technical Support
Newsgroups staffed around the clock by Microsoft Support
Engineers, and access to over 150,000 articles, troubleshoot-
ers, frequently asked questions and white papers via our
ServiceDesk! All are viewable in NNTP or HTML formats.
Technical Support and Community Newsgroups
The Microsoft Direct Access ServiceDesk
Out and About
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Premium member benefits. So those of you who became
Premium members need to get in touch with me so that I can
get the past-articles ZIP to you. I need to know the file sizes
you’re allowed to receive and where I should send them. E-Mail
me at
“Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next
door went nuts.”
“Whatever happened to preparations A through G?”
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