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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
October 1999
(Con’t from page 4)
TYPE(<cVarName>) will return “0”, and ? oVarName will
NULL. Some Visual FoxPro BaseClasses support a Release()
method (Forms and FormSets), so you can experiment with this
without having to create a custom class-based object.
notice that in either case, a Release() method leaves the object
variable intact, with a TYPE() of “0” and a value of. NULL
Note that unlike the technique of storing the reference name in
code listing 5, it is necessary for an object to be instantiated
before a reference to it can be stored as another object’s
Another point is that one could, if needed, actually instantiate
an object as a property of another object. Imagine also an
object that has an array property, whose elements are a series
of objects!
There is one last special-case, but extremely useful, technique
for referencing form objects without having to explicitly name the
form you wish to send a message to.
The Visual FoxPro screen is an exposed public object, and
based on a subclass of the Visual FoxPro BaseClass “Form”.
As such it has all of the members of the ForrnClass, and has a
couple of additional properties that can be queried or set
(FormCount and Forms). One of the properties the _SCREEN
object posesses (courtesy of the Form baseclass) is
ActiveForm. If you have several forms open on the FoxPro
desktop, another object can determine which one has focus and
communicate with that form by referencing the form as:
So, for example, if you have a toolbar that wants to tell the
active form to skip to the next record, it could do so by execut-
and the form’s Next() method code would run.
As a further example of the difficulties in determining an object’s
reference, and to illustrate the utility of the AciveForm property,
try this: Create a form (call it TESTI) using the form designer
and save it. Don’t bother adding any controls or anything, just a
simple blank form will do. From the command window,
Drag the form to the upper left of the screen, return to the
command window, and again:
Drag the second instance of the form to the upper right of the
screen and drag the command window until
is visible at the
bottom. In the command window, type:
Testi .BackColor=RGB(O,O,O)
You will observe
that the background of the form in the upper left
of the screen becomes black.
Now, try to figure out how to do the same with the form in the
upper right, It’s easy if you do:
However, this is the only way to access the properties of the
second instance of Test.SCX! For ways to get around this
particular problem, check the Visual FoxPro help file under DO
FORM and pay particular attention to the NAME and LINKED
There is more than one way to skin a cat, and there is clearly
more than one way to establish communications between
objects, but as the last example above shows, doing so easily
and with some flexibility requires some careful forethought. All
the techniques described here are very simple, but vary consid-
erably in the advantages, disadvantages, capabilities and
limitations that they bring to your class design and development
efforts. No one method is “right” for all situations, or even one
particular situation, so it will benefit developers to become
familiar with all of them. Also, if any of you come up with other
methods, I’d sure appreciate hearing about it!
[Ed.Note: Steve Sawyer is Director of Technology for Kirtland
Associates, a company specializing in custom database
applications. Steve is a Microsoft Certified Professional, a
Microsoft MVP, and a contributing editor forAdvisor Media,
editing the monthly Tips Tricks and Traps column in FoxPro
Advisor. He is co-author (with Jim Booth) of “EffectWe Tech-
niques forApplication Development with Visual FoxPro 6.0
(Hentzenwerke Publishing, 1998). Steve is a founding member
and president of the Detroit Area Fox User Group, and resides
in suburban Detroit, Ml.]
[One last Ed.Note: For those of you who missed the first
installment, point your browser to the LA Fox website at
and check out the downloads section for
Removing Obstacles
(Con’t from page 2)
the text format obstacle, someone wrote a few hundred lines of
code to change the new text format to the old text format. So,
the new text got converted to the old text, which is then read by
low-level file commands. APPEND FROM
SCAN were too simple, I guess. I spent 3 days trying to map
where things came from and went to. By removing the text
format obstacle, I got to toss out a bunch of my ugliest code,
and now my poor addled brain can understand this stuff.
Con’t, page 9)
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