The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
September 1999
About October’s Meeting
From Mike Vincent
One of my favorite ActiveX vendors is dbiTech. They have established a specific arrangement for our FoxPro User Groups. They are offering a 20% discount on all DBI Technologies’ products (ToolBox Ocx V.4, Solutions::PIM, Solutions::Schedule and Solutions::Explorer), please make sure when they are ordering that you tell the dbiTech sales reps which user group you are associated with and include reference to my name/presentation. Otherwise, a discount will not apply.

Automating FoxPro (Con’t from page 5)
msgnotetext property - text of message
1* send(.t.) - pops up dialog box for user to fill in
9* send(.f.) - sends without user intervention


Build and run the form and the pics distribution list will get daily data!
[Ed. Note: Mike Merino, a member of the Rocky Mountain FoxPro User Group, works for Denver Public Health and can be reached at mmerino@dhha.org. He and his wife Jonna have two children who have yet to be put in a database or any other type of container.]

Job Opportunity
Company located in Sherman Oaks is looking for a FoxPro programmer. This is a contract to hire position. The client is looking for someone to write applications in FoxPro (on DOS) 2.5. You must be able to understand the basics of SQL. The client is migrating FoxPro data to SQL and creating new reports and forms. The end result of the project is database conversion. Please send your resume to Jennifer K. Berhalter, Account Executive at RHI Consulting, jennifer.berhalter@rhic.com, Fax (310) 209-6850.

Limiting... (Con’t from page 8)
IF !USED(”Users”)
USE Users IN 0

IF FOPEN(”F:~MyApp~” + TextFile)
* Person is no longer using the application and did not log out
ERASE (“F:~MyAppV + TextFiIe)
* Can’t open the text file, so the user is still logged in InUserCount = InUserCount + I
IF InUserCount < MAX_USERS
Create a name for the text file
(Con’t, adjacent column)
VFP DevCon 2000 (Con’t from page 1) http://www.foxforum.com It’ll be spilling over into the rest of the FoxPro community soon. The conference’s website is http://www.vfpdevcon.com. However, content and design are still being developed. So.. .stay tuned right here and watch for announcements in the LA FoxCast.

This conference promises to be one of the most exciting FoxPro events of 2000. As they say in the French Quarter.. .“Laissez les bon temps roulez!”

Limiting... (Con’t from previous column)
IcTextFlle = LEFT(SYS(2015), 8) + “.TXT”
Create the text file where everyone can access it on the
= FCREATE( + IcTextFile)
IcCurrentUser is the user logging in. Update the user table
LOCATE FOR UserName = IcCurrentUser
MESSAGEBOX(”You can’t login. Maximum number of simultaneous users has been reached.”)

When the user quits the application, run this code:

IF IUSED(”Users”)
USE Users IN 0
L )CATE For Useri!ame IcCurrentUser
ERASE ("F:\MyApp\" + TextFile)

Copyright 1998-1999, Craig Berntson.

It Can’t Get Any Easier.......
We’ve come up with an easy way to submit articles to the LA Fox Developer Newsletter one that has been overlooked for a long time.

You can submit your articles to Barry Lee at CIS# 72723,3422 on Compuserve, or brlee@earthlink.net.

These articles can be on any FoxPro-related topic, whether it concerns a new technique you’ve discovered, a certain development technique you may favor over others, book reviews, etc. Editor reserves the right to edit or offer Constructive comments Concerning submitted articles and accepted articles shall be considered to be in the public domain.

The quality of this newsletter really depends on the members that support it, not just read it. And I think we’d all be surprised by the useful information that could be circulated around the membership.

How ‘bout it?
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