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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
April 2000
ADO Jumpstart
(Con't from page 3)
Converting a hex value to decimal in Visual FoxPro is simple. The following code illustrate how to convert hexadecimal values to decimal:
0x00000080 ?x && 128
And, if you ever need to convert back to hexadecimal:
?Transform(128,”@O”) && 0x00000080
Using our original hex value, 11101010, and working from right to left and beginning with zero, see that the seventh bit is set. Therefore, the seventh bit of the Attributes property, if set, means the field is long. Going further, whatever attributes occupy bits 1, 3, 5, and 6, also apply to this field. The following table of field attributes should help to sort things out:
Table 4. Field Attributes
So, along with being a long field, the field is deferred, updateable, can have a null written to it, and it may also already contain a null value. Visually, this makes sense. How
you do this programmatically?
If you refer to online examples(almost always programmed in Visual Basic) you will see code like this:
(oFieId.Attribute AND
adFldLong The field is long
End If
This is pretty slick in that you can test for whether a specific attribute bit is set by using the AND operator with the attribute property and the constant. If you
this in Visual FoxPro, you will get data type mismatch errors. Fortunately, there is a way. Visual FoxPro contains a host of bit functions. One function, BITTEST, does as its name implies. It tests whether a specified bit in a passed argument is set. To review, we need to see if the
seventh bit in the value 234 is set. The following Visual FoxPro code demonstrates how to use the BITTEST function:
If BitTest(234,7)
The Field is long
To find out if the field is nullable:
If BltTest(234,5)
The Field is long
The Attributes property of the Connection, Parameter, and Property objects works in the same manner as illustrated above. The differences are the names and quantity of attributes that are present.
and COM Defined Constants
ADO and OLE DB, like any COM components, make extensive use of defined constants in the examples that document the usage of properties, events, and methods. Other development environments in Visual Studio such as Visual Basic and Visual lnterdev provide lntelliSense technology, because of their respective abilities to interact directly with the type libraries of COM components. For these development environments, you can reference defined constants just as if they were a part of the native language. So, working with published examples is a fairly trivial task. On the other hand, in the Visual FoxPro development environment there is, in fact, a bit of a challenge. The question always seems to be “How
I use the Visual Basic
samples in Visual FoxPro?” The biggest stumbling block is usually in finding the value of the defined constants. In Visual FoxPro, you need to use the #Define statement for each constant.
One solution for obtaining the value of the ADO defined constants is to obtain the MDAC SDK from Microsoft. The MDAC SDK can be downloaded from
Once you install the SDK, locate the Include\ADO directory. In that directory, you will find the ADOINT.H file, which contains all of the enumerated types and the values for the defined constants.
A second, and perhaps easier, solution is to use the resources already installed on your machine. If you are working through the sample code in this paper, you already have the Microsoft Data Access Components installed on your workstation. The Visual Basic Development Environment (both the full Visual Basic IDE and the Visual Basic Editor in desktop applications like Word and Excel) has a great resource called the Object Browser. This could, in fact, be the most underutilized tool on the planet.
To illustrate its functionality, open any desktop application that uses Visual Basic, such as Word or Excel. Or, if you have the Visual Basic Programming System installed, you can open that
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