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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
April 2000
(Con’t from page 5)
interpret things. The Visual FoxPro ODBC driver generates an
“Unrecognized Command Verb” error message if you only
specify a table name as the source and you fail to use the
optional fifth argument. Note that if you use the ODBC OLE DB
Provider to access SQL Server, you must employ the same
technique that is needed for Visual FoxPro.
method should you employ when you populate the
properties individually before invoking the Open method or
passing the arguments to the Open method? Once again, it is a
matter of preference. Of the two, manually populating the
properties makes for more readable code.
Sorting and filtering data are just matters of manipulating the
Sort and Filter properties respectively. The following code sorts
the recordset created from TasTrade in the example above, by
country, ascending, then by region, descending:
“Country ,Region Desc”
The following code displays the sort and the functionality of the
AbsolutePosition and Bookmark properties.
Do While Not oRecordset.Eof
Setting a filter is as easy as setting the sort. The following code
filters for records where the country is Germany:
The Filter property also supports multiple values:
‘Germany’ Or Country
Finally, wild card characters are also supported:
oRecordset.Filter “Country Like
To reset either the Filter or Sort properties, set them equal to an
empty string:
Finding Data
Another important capability of an ADO recordset is the ability
to find records based on a search string. This capability works
like searching for records in a Visual FoxPro cursor. Unlike the
Seek or Locate statement in Visual FoxPro, the Find method
provides control over the scope of records that are searched.
The following code searches for a country that begins with the
letter “B.”
oRecordset.Find(”country Like ‘B%”)
Although multiple criteria are not allowed, wild card searches
are permitted:
oRecordset.Find(”country Like
Searches for multiple criteria, such as the following, would
result in an error
oRecordset.Flnd(”country Like 'G*' Or country Like ‘B”’”)
Transactions/Updating Data/Conflict Resolution
Updating data in an ADO recordset is a fairly simple process.
As in any environment, conflict resolution in multi-user environ-
ments is always an issue to be dealt with. This is where the
Errors collection comes into play. Error trapping and handling
needs to become an integral part of your ADO-related code. The
following code samples employ a simple error handling scenario
and use the Errors collection to determine whether conflicts
have occurred. For a complete list and description of ADO error
codes, consult the online documentation.
When you update data, you can update either a single row, or
several rows at a time in batch mode. These methods most
closely correspond to row and table buffering, respectively, in
Visual FoxPro. Building on the recordset already created, the
lock type is Batch Optimistic. While updates are normally
conducted in batches, you can also update one row at a time,
just as in Visual FoxPro.
The following code modifies the CompanyName field and
attempts to update the SQL Server data source:
oRecordset.Fields(”companyname” ).Value
“Ace Tomato Company”
Depending on a variety of scenarios, this code may or may not
work. Perhaps a contention issue exists? Perhaps the user
does not have rights to modify data. Hundreds of issues can
cause an attempted update to fail. Therefore, anytime you
attempt an update, you should employ error trapping. The
following code expands the previous example and makes it a bit
more robust:
Local Err,cOldErr,oError
On Error Err
“Ace Tomato Company”
For Each oError In oRecordset.ActiveConnection. Errors
With oError
Con’t, page 7)
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