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The LA Fox Developer
December 2000
page 4)
ASP+ Web Services
The ASP+ Web Services infrastructure provides a high-level
programming model for building Web Services with ASP+.
While not required for building a Web Service using the Web
Services Platform, it provides several benefits that simplify
development and uses a programming model that will be very
familiar to developers who have worked with ASP or Visual
Basic. Developers don’t need to understand HTTP, SOAP, SCL,
or any other specifications for Web Services to use this pro-
gramming model. The ASP+ Web Services programming model
is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6 ASP+ Web Services
Developers can create a Web Service with ASP+ by authoring a
file with the extension .asmx and deploying it as part of a Web
application. The ASMX file either contains a reference to a
managed class defined elsewhere or the class definition itself.
The class is derived from the WebService class supplied by
ASP+. Public class methods are exposed as Web Service
methods by marking them with the WebMethod attribute. These
methods can be invoked by sending HTTP requests to the URL
of the ASMX file. You don’t need to handcraft a contract for your
Web Service. ASP+ inspects the class metadata to automati-
cally generate an SCL file when requested by the caller.
Clients may submit service requests via SOAP, HTTP GET, and
HTTP POST. Conventions are defined for encoding methods and
parameters as query strings for HTTP GET and form data for
HTTP POST. The HTTP GET and HTTP POST mechanisms are
not as powerful as SOAP, but they enable clients that don’t
support SOAP to access the Web Service.
The ASP+ Web Services model assumes a stateless service
architecture. Stateless architectures are generally more scal-
able than stateful architectures. Each time a service request is
received, a new object is created, the request is converted into
a method call, and the object is destroyed once the method call
returns. Services can use the ASP+ State Management ser-
vices if they need to maintain state across requests. Web
Services based on ASP+ run in the Web application model, so
they get all the security, deployment, and other benefits of that
ASP+ Web Services also supplies a tool to generate strongly
typed managed proxies for any Web Service described by an
SCL file. The proxy generator maps messages described in the
SCL file into methods on the generated class. The proxy hides
all the network and marshaling plumbing from the application
code, so using the Web Service looks just like using any other
managed code. The proxy will preferentially use SOAP to
communicate with the Web Service, but also supports the HTTP
GET and HTTP POST mechanisms, so they can be used as
Web Services provide a simple, flexible, standards-based model
for binding applications together over the Internet that takes
advantage of existing infrastructure and applications. Web
applications can be easily assembled with locally developed
services and existing services, irrespective of the platform,
development language, or object model used to implement any
of the constituent services or applications.
The Microsoft .NET Framework provides an application model
and key enabling technologies to simplify the creation, deploy-
ment, and ongoing evolution of secure, reliable, scalable, highly
available Web Services while building on existing developer
[Maty Kirtland
of the MSDNArchitecture team, where she
helps create pra ctical guidance for developers who design
applications using Microsoft technologies. She is the author of
Designing Component-based Applications (Microsoft
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