The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
June 2000
LA Fox Eats Pizza
LA Fox is now ordering pizza for the monthly meetings. To help cover the cost we are asking each person to pay $5.00 if they wish to eat pizza during the meeting. It’s that simple. Twila Miller will send mail prior to the meeting asking if you plan to join us for pizza that month. Not responding to that message doesn’t exclude you from having pizza if you decide to join us at the last minute. But responding helps determine how many pizzas we should order. So, come to the LA Fox meeting and have dinner while you learn how to do yourjob even better!

ADO Jumpstart (Con? from page 4)
cShpStr = ‘SHAPE (SELECT * FROM “dbo”.”Customers”} AS Cus tomers APPEND’
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘(( SHAPE (SELECT * FROM “dbo”.”Orders”} AS Orders’
cShpStr= cShpStr + ‘APPEND (( SHAPE (SELECT * FROM “dbo”.”Order Details”) AS OrderDetalls
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘APPEND (( SHAPE (SELECT * FROM Mdbo”.”Products”) AS Products
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘APPEND ((SELECT * FROM “dbo”.”Categories”} AS Categories
cShpStr = cShpStr ‘RELATE “CategorylD” TO “CategorylD”) AS Categories,’
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘((SELECT * FROM “dbo”.”Suppliers”} AS Suppliers’
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘RELATE “SupplieriD” TO “SupplieriD”) AS Suppliers) AS Products
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘RELATE “ProductlD” TO “ProductiD”) AS Products) AS OrderDetails’
cShpStr cShpStr + ‘RELATE “OrderiD” TO “OrderlD”) AS OrderDetails,’
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘(( SHAPE (SELECT * FROM “dbo”.”Employees”} AS Employees
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘APPEND (( SHAPE (SELECT * FROM “dbo”.”EmployeeTerritories”} AS EmployeeTerritories cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘APPEND (( SHAPE” FROM “dbo””Terntories”) AS Territories
cShpStT = cShpStr + ‘APPEND ((SELECT * FROM “dbo”.”Region”} AS Region’
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘RELATE “ReglonID” TO “RegiontD”) AS Region) AS Territories
cShpStr = cShpStr • ‘RELATE “TerritorylD” TO “TerritorylD”) AS Territories) AS EmployeeTerritories
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘RELATE “EmployeelD” TO “EmployeelD”) AS EmployeeTerritorles) AS Employees
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘RELATE “EmployeelD” TO “EmployeelD”) AS Employees,’
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘((SELECT * FROM “dbo”.”Shippers”} AS Shippers’
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘RELATE “ShipVia” TO “ShipperlD”) AS Shippers) AS Orders’
cShpStr = cShpStr + ‘RELATE “CustomeriD” TO “CustomerlD”) AS Orders’

With oConnection
Provider = “MSDataShape”
.ConnectlonString = “Data Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security

lnfo=Fatse;User JD=sa;lnitial Catalog=Northwind;Data Source=JVP”

(Con’f, page 6)
Undocumented (Con't from page 4)
This function, I believe, used to help distinguish between the multi-user and single user versions of FoxBase. Since everything is mult-user now, this returns .t.. The latest HackersGuide documented this one...

This returns the ON APLABOUT setting. Used on the

This returned the value set by ON MACHELP.

This function is for compatibility with dBaselV. dBaselV probably used it for the same purpose for which we use the ROLLBACK command. This now generates a “Function Not Implemented” error in VFP but it used to not do that....

Another dBaselV compatibility command. Why this was added when a Run and Call already existed in dBaselll+, who knows...

You can pass it an executable or batch file and VFP will try to run the file. The latest HackersGuide documented this one...

Returns “DISABLED” even if preceded with SET APLABOUT

This returns a set of color pairs except for the two ampersands! MS KnowledgeBase? article Qi 13943 claims:

SET(”ATTRIBUTES”) - Returns color settings specified with SET COLOR. For dBASE compatibility only.

This command is the same as the documented
SET(”BROWSEIME”). However, the above name is the real
name of the function.

This function always returns “OFF”, even if you precede it with

This always returns "OFF" even if preceded with a SET

This function always returns “ON”, even if you precede it with

This returned the On or Offsetting for encrypting the .DBF. Has no meaning for VFP but it doesn’t generate an error, either.

(Con't page 6)
Page 5