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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
March 2000
(Con’t from page 3)
Close method —Closes an ADO Recordset object. Many
properties, such as CursorType and LockType, although read!
write, cannot be modified while the recordset is open. The Close
method must be invoked before those and other properties are
Update and UpdateBatch methods—Update writes changes for
the current record to the underlying data source; UpdateBatch
writes pending changes for all modified records to the underlying
data source. The UpdateBatch method is only relevant when
Optimistic Batch Locking is used.
Cancel and CancelBatch methods—The Cancel method can-
cels modifications made to the current record; the CancelBatch
method cancels pending changes to all modified records.
Resync method—Refreshes the Recordset object with data
from the underlying data source. Invoking this method does not
rerun the underlying command. Options exist for which records
are actually refreshed.
Requery method—Unlike the Resync method, reruns the
underlying command, which causes any pending changes to be
lost. In effect, issuing a Requery is like invoking the Close
method then immediately invoking the Open method.
Supports method—Specifies whether or not the recordset
supports a function, based on a passed argument. For example,
you can use this method to specify whether a recordset sup-
ports bookmarks, or the addition or deletion of records, or the
Find, Update, and UpdateBatch methods, to name a few.
Because what is supported is depends on the OLE DB provider
used, it is a good idea to use this method to make sure a
needed function is supported.
GetRows method—Returns a set of records into an array.
GetString method—Returns a set of records into a string.
The moral of the story is that before relying on the existence of
anything in ADO, know and understand the OLE DB provider
you are using, because the capabilities available to you can
vary dramatically.
Lock types
There are four different locking schemes in ADO recordsets.
These locking schemes are similar to those in Visual FoxPro.
Read-Only—As the name indicates, the recordset is opened for
read-only purposes only. When you don’t need to modify data,
this is the best locking scheme to use from a performance
standpoint. This scheme applies to both server and client-side
Lock Pessimistic—In this scheme, a lock attempt is attempted
as soon as an edit is performed. This locking scheme is not
relevant for client-side recordsets. Pessimistic Locking in an
page 6)
Who’s Going to DevCon?
R. Lee
I recently read an editorial in the current issue of FoxTalk
(March 2000) titled ‘Who’s Going to DevCon”. I believe there are
a few clarifications that need to be made concerning this
editorial and the apparent bias of its author, Whil Hentzen. I just
feel compelled to respond. Following are some statements
made in this editorial:
“Since then (the Palm Desert
DevConJ, a second ‘VFP DevCon’
sponsored by Microsoft and the folks who handled registration
at the last few VFP DevCons has been announced for the
middle of May in New Orleans.”
knows the “folks who handled registration at the last few
VFP DevCons”, Tech Conferences (TCI), and he also knows that
TCI handled more than just registration. TCI has been a full
partner with Advisor Publications (now Advisor Media) since
Advisor began having DevCons back in 1995. Advisor, with an
assist from Microsoft, arranged for speakers and session
content. TCI handled all of the conference logistics, not just
registration. (Do we really have to go over this again, folks?) The
last official event that TCI and Advisor partnered was the Palm
Springs VFP conference in June, 1999. Regarding the “since
then” implications, I can only say that discussions involving a
second DevCon-type event, and its viability, had started with
Microsoft before the Palm Springs event and continued while the
event was going on. Before the conference had ended, it was
decided that, yes, there would be another major developers
conference in the year 2000. One other point needs to be
mentioned here. The New Orleans (NOLA) event is being co-
produced by three organizations, not one: Tech Conferences,
Microendeavors (MEl), a well-respected and very well known
training company, and Microcomputer Engineering Services
some of you might remember MES.
.they’re the
sponsors of the Annual Southern California VFP conferences.
knew all of these details, including the dates of the NOLA
conference (May 14-18), before sitting down to pen the editorial.
But he seems to have selective memory on this one.
“The May New Orleans show is going to be a VFP 6.0 show.
That means that the topics presented are going to be old news
to many of you.... There’s a sister show in New Orleans covering
SQL Server and there’s some sort of deal where the VFP
conference attendees can attend SQL Server sessions as
well.. ..being able to cherry pick both VFP and SQL Server
sessions sounds like a bargain Miami, on the other hand, will
be featuring Visual FoxPro 7.0. I personally never have gone to
a show to learn in-depth concepts.... What! look for, instead, is
guidance on the right approach and direction... Miami’s ses-
sions on VFP 7.0 will not only cover tried and true techniques
that worked in VFP 6.0 and earlier, but will prepare you for 7.0
and beyond.”
“Old news to many of you”? Let’s start off with a quote from one
(Con’t, page
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