The bA Fox Developer Newsletter
Multi-User (Con’t from page 8)

*_ Process each modified record.
for InEach
= I to InCount

*_ Go to the record we had modified.
go (laRecNo[InEach])

*_ If the state of the RECORD is 2
*_ (meaning we are deleting this record) or 3 (meaning we have added this record),
*_ then we don’t need to worry about any
*_ changes that someone else made. Otherwise, it is an existing record that
*_ we have modified so we need to go through each FIELD to see if we have changed it. Note: If a previous user has Just deleted
*_ the record that we are updating, then we
*_ will “undelete” the record. This is by design.

If ( getfldstate(O) <> 2)
and ( getfldstate(O) <>3
for lnFieldNum = I to fcount0

*_ If we have changed this field,
*_ then keep our value. Otherwise,
check to see if the current value
*_ (on the actual table, not our buffer)
*_ is different than what we currently
*_ have. If so, then replace the value of this field (in our buffer) with
the current value from the table.

if ( getfldstate(lnFieldNum) <>2)
lcField = alltrim(alias0) + “.“‘ + alltrim(field(lnFieldNum)) if &IcField <> (curval(fleld(lnFieldNum)))
replace (field(lnFieldNiim)) with (curval(fietd(lnFieldNum)))


*_ All the rows in our buffer now have all
current data plus our changes, so write the
*_ buffered rows to the table forcing the update.
*_ If the table is in a database container, then
*_ we can use transaction processing so if we
cannot update one of the rows, then we don’t
*_ do any of them. For free tables, we cannot
*_ do transaction processing.
*_ NOTE: An error should only occur if a user has made a change to the same row we are
*_ updating and that user is NOT using table
buffering. If all users are using table
*_ buffering, then we should not get any errors.

if not empty(cursorgetprop(”database”))
begin transaction
110K = tableupdate(1, .T.)
if 110K
end transaction
(Con’t, next column)
May 2000
MSDN (Con? from page 7)
TechNet events.


May 18, 1 :00-4:3Opm, Microsoft Santa Monica Office, event
code 30241
May 23, 1 :00-4:3Opm, La Jolla Hyatt, event code 30320

Complete description and registration available on:


Hot Ti PS (Con? from page 7)
you’ve finished debugging your report, comment out the MODIFY REPORT tine, and un-comment the REPORT FORM line.

(Ed.Note: Barbara Peisch is the principal of Peisch Custom Software, and the TreasurerofFPDN San Diego. <www.peisch.com>)

Multi-User (Con? from prey, column)
=messagebox(”The file you are trying to”
“update Is currently” + chr(13);
“being used by someone else.” + chr(13);
chr(13) + “Your changes could not be”;
saved at this time.”,;
16, “Could not save changes...”) endif
= tableupdate(1, .T.) endif
(Con?, page 6)

It Can’t Get Any Easier......
We’ve come up with an easy way to submit articles to the L.A Fox DeveloperNewsietter one that has been overlooked for a tong time.

You can submit your articles to Barry Lee at CIS# 72723,3422 on Compuserve, orbrlee@earthllnk.net.

These articles can be on any FoxPro-related topic, whether it concerns a new technique you’ve discovered, a certain development technique you may favor over others, book reviews, etc. Editor reserves the right to edit or offer constructive comments concerning submitted articles and accepted articles shalt be considered to be in the public domain.

The quality of this newsletter really depends on the members that support it, not just read it. And I think we’d all be surprised by the useful information that could be circulated around the membership.

How ‘bout it?
Page 9