Web Connect How To : Show Me the Code!

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How URL Maps to Code

The URL maps directly to one prg and one function inside that prg, whether you use the LAFox standard or the Web Connect Standard

LAFox URL Standard (3-parts)

Home =  Home.prg contains our code for this URL.

Page = Page() function within Home.prg

.fox?SessionID=_70G1DK8XT is the scriptmap extension that sends this "page" to our Web Connect process class. 

Web Connect URL Standard (2-parts)

Our URL syntax is not standard for Web Connect.
Web Connect standard URL syntax for scriptmap is:

MyFunction = MyFunction() function within (unnamed) prg

.ext is the scriptmap extension that sends this "page" to our (unnamed) Web Connect process class. 

If we follow that standard, we either have a different scriptmap for each page,
each page would have its own extension home.hme for the home page, MemberDirectory.mdr, etc.
OR we would have all the functions for all the pages in one very long and hard to read prg.

Sending Additional Parameters on URL Line

If we have additional parameters on the URL, we pass them after the ? as name=value pairs.

The first parameter is named "lcAction" and it's value is "Sort"

Parameters are separated with a &

The second parameter is named "lcOrder" and it's value is "LastName"

A very common use for URL parameters is to pass a record ID

Reading Additional Parameters in Web Connect Code

Use Request.QueryString to read URL Parameters

In your FoxPro code:
lcMemberID = Request.QueryString("MemberID")