when WIN3 is in 386 mode. The other modes are too slow.
3. I have less memory for DOS appe with WIN3 because I can’t load anything high. *Everything* (buffers, etc.) subtracts from that 640K.
4. I can’t get WIN3 to run (on the workstation) with my network (Invisible Net) - or should I say I can’t get INET to run with WIN3 in 386 mode. This problem stopped my experimentation with Windows for the time being.

Fm: Bob Grommes 74126,72
To: Robert Keiser 73607,1047
Infoworld this week reports that you DON’T have as much memory available to apps within windows, depending on your perspective. I am accustomed to having about 625k free memory at the DOS prompt becuase of QEMM and loading lots of stuff high. Since Windows bath on QEMM, I’ll have to copy in a different config.sys/autoexec.bat, warm boot and then I’ll probably be lucky to have 450k free memory at the DOS prompt. I’ll have a little less within Windows, I’d think.

Fm: Greg Dunn 73007,1224
To: Fox Software 76004,1651
Does Fox Software have a Windows version of FoxPro on the table? Projected release date? Tnanks.

Fm: Walt Kennamer--Fox 74025,514
To: Greg Dunn 73007,1224 (X)
We are considering what to do about a Windows version. We will do one if we conclude that there is a large enough market for a Windows version. However, we don’t have a projected release date at this point. Thanks.

Fm: Jay Roberts 72571,647
To: Walt Kennamer—Fox 74025,514
FWIW, I’ve used Fox for years now, but I like the new Windows environment so much I’m beginning to look for Windows-based alternatives. I know I won’t find a Windows-based dbase as good as Fox, but, if Fox isn’t going to do one, I’ll keep looking and eventually switch.
OTOH, if! knew Fax was working on a Windows version and it would be out reasonably soon, I’d go on developing in FoxPro knowing the Fox Windows version would be the best.
I can’t tell you how big the market will be, but I suspect it’ll start out large and grow rapidly. If the dBASE standard isn’t carried into Windows by someone good and dependable, the dBASE user base will continue to erode as A-T sits on its thumbs. Right now there is no high-
market-share Windows database management software comparable to FoxPro.
If you want to know why I like Win dows and want a Windows Foxpro, take a look at Superbase 4. The latest version 1.2 has a demo of Dynamic Data Ex change between Word for Windows and SB4. With both apps closed you start Word, open a sample template letter. This template has Word macro instructions and DDE instructions built in. It finds SB4, _opens_ it and the database its after, then places the name and ad dress from the first record in the database in the form letter. On Word’s menu are choices to move forward or backward in the database, change the index in the database, search for a particular record, etc. It’s a simple but amazing sample of what’s available through Windows 3.0.
Regards - Jay

Fm: Mark Vodhanel 72456,463
To: Jay Roberta 72571,647
I’ll second your wish to see a WIN3 port. I’m sure that Fox needs a little more time to wait for the dust to settle on this (a month might not be enough g). The other problem may be that they just released a super upgrade for their DOS platform, and are simply not ready to do it again so soon. OTOH, having developed their owu GUI, and having a MAC port, sure makes the Fox team technically adept at doing such a port should they decide to do it.

Fm: Walt Kennamer—Fox 74025,514
To: Jay Roberts 72571,647
I like Windows also, but I won’t say any more than that.

Fm: Pat Adams 75146,3121
To: Walt Kennamer—Fox 74025,514
I finally tried out Windows 3.0 and was disappointed in it - particularly when it comes to using it with Fox. Pve had every version of Windows since the original beta back in 1985 and just find that it’s not yet really what I want.
My biggest disappointment with Windows3.0 is its lackof support forQEMM.
Without QEMM I can not load stuff hi, including my network drivers, so end up with a lot less of the DOS 640k remaining. And even though! have as much as 8Mb. of memory on one machine and anywhere from 2 Mb. to 4 Mb. on my other machines, Windows 3.0 will only let me get windows that are as large as my remaining DOS memory. Which means I can run Wordperfect 5.1, Fox, etc. but much more slowly than without Windows 3.0 and/or DeskView.

FoxPro and Windows 3
Conversations on
20 June .27 June, 1990
Editor’s note: / have excerpted the following messages regarding the relationship of FoxPro and Windows 3. The operation of the current version of FoxPro under Windows 3is the primaty topic, but prospects fora Windows version of FoxPro are also discussed. The numbers beside the participants names are their Compuserve ID's

Fm: Robert Keiser 73607,1047
To: Peter Wagner 70007,1534 (X)
I’ve been working with Windows 3.0 since the day they announced it. On a 386 machine, you can run multiple applications (windows or non-windows). You don’t use any memory manager like qemm or 386 max (you use HIMEM.SYS which comes with windows.) Each session has all the memory that it would have if it wasn’t running under windows. So if after your all done booting up and you have 5 12kb of memory left, then if you go into windows and start up applications they will all have about 512kb...
You can tell windows if the application expects XMS or EMS memory and how much to allocate to it. You cannot run applications that use their own DOS extender schemes (like Lotus 123 - although there is a company I beleive its name is IRIS that has a product call 3for3 which lets you run lotus 123 v3 under windows, the 2.2 version works fine as is)...
In 286 mode you can start multiple applications but you cannot run any in background (which you can do with 386’s). On an 8088/86 it works like old windows. In 386 mode it can be very disk intensive because it uses disk space to swap what is in memory out when you start another app.
I’m not affiliated with Microsoft in any
way, I just like the product.

Fm: Anne E. Pruitt 72335,777
To: Peter Wagner 70007,1534 (X)
I’m a conlirmed DV user and have WIN3 loaded on my hard disk. I haven’t used WIN3 much, just got it up and tried it out. Here’s my comparison:
1. WIN3 is quite beautiful visually. I can’t emphasize this enough. It truly enhances the computing experience (on a VGA, of courseg).
2. Swapping is definitely slower than DV, but is acceptable on my 16MHz 386