To: Pat Mama 75146,3121 (X)
I have done a few WtN3 installations,
and my complete development environ-
ment is set up under it, so, needless to say,
I have been using it and doing a bit of
poking around in it. Thus far, I find the
from end more than adaquate. I can go
into any large WIN3 app like PageMaker
or Designer and start running through
the pulldowns, pulling up dialog boxes
and so forth, and they are responsive, and
they seem every bit as responsive as the
ones in FP. So, my seat-of-the-pants feel-
ing for the front end is favorable.
As for the programming environment,
it would seem that any group of program-
mers/engineers that were able to do what
they did in the confines of MSDOS,
should have a cake walk in the WIN3
environment since the memory limitation
has been lifted and WIN3 is a superset of
But realistically, do you think there is
much of a chance for a WIN3 port
anytime soon since Fox is barely finishing
its current FP system? (I sort of doubt it
- but you never know)

Fm: Damon Glnbey 73637,3555
To: Pat Mama 75146,3121 (X)
Captured from a MSWINDOWS
thread <With QEMM 5.1, TSR’s and
device drivers can be moved to 386 high
memory, eachvirtual DOS session should
now have something like 580 KB of avail-
able memory in Windows 3.0 386 En-
hanced mode.> Sounds like this would
give you room to breathe.

Moms Mabley, a black
stand-up comedienne, used
to do her own ‘subroutines”.
In the middle of a perfor-
mance, she would have a
stagehand walk on stage and
hand her a note. She would
appear somewhat surprised,
then read the note, and final-
ly turn back to the audience:
“I’ve been asked to an-
nounce that a lost pocket-
book has been found by a
lady in the audience named
Helen Hunt. She’ll be in the
foyer after the performance,
so if you’ve lost your pocket-
book, you can go to Helen
Hunt for it!”