ter performer, and I base that entirety on
the fact that it will be running in a
protected mode OS, and will have direct
access to as much memory as it needs.
There is no need to fool around with
relatively terrible performing kiudges like
EMS. The speed improvement between
WIN2 applications and WIN3 applica-
tions is very noticable, and this makes for
a good comparison because WIN2 ap-
plications made use of EMS memory
while WIN3 applications just use
The other aspect of this question ad-
dresses the fact that one environment is
character based while the other is bit
mapped. Well, I have been using WIN3
for almost a month now, on machines
from 8MHZ ATs to 20MHZ 386's, and
I have not found the interface to suffer
from performance problems, and if
someone were to ask me which was faster
interface wise, FP or WIN3, I would be
hard pressed to give them an answer.
This kind of begs the questioned
‘What have we gained by staying with a
character based system?’. The only
answer I can come up with is perhaps a
savings on the cost of displays because the
other hardware required to run FP
properly is the same required by WIN3,
but heck, WIN3 will run OK on a cheap
Herc monochrome setup. I can tell you
what we don’t have with the character
based system; proportionally spaced
fonts, graphics, and integration into an
environment that witi most assuredly be-
come mainstream.

Fm: John L Hawkins 71601,735
To: Pat Adams 75146,3121 (X)
Quarterdeck has announced a
QEMM 5.1 for July release. It will be
“compatible” with Windows 3.0, whatever
that means. Let’s hope it allows us to
Interesting that Quarterdeck is sup-
porting Windows, the only significant
competitor to their own DESQvIew.

Fm: Pat Adams 75146,3121
To: Jay Roberts 72571,647 (X)
Jay - Fox has no specific information
available on FoxPRO 2.0 other than a few
public statements made by various Fox
officials now and then. But one of them
made continually by Dr. Dave is to take
an even closer look at FoxBASE+/Mac
for some of the future of FoxPRO. And
Janet Walker did tell the attendees at the
NY PADD meeting on Tuesday night
that, among other things, there would be
an integrated screen painter in FoxPRO
Fox may not be talking, but they are
certainly hinting.

Fm: Mark Vodhanel 72456,463