Fm: Greg Dunn 73007,1224 (X)
To: Walt Kennamer—Fox 74025,514
How long would it take you to do a
Windows version once you decided on it?
If it’s still in the consideration stage,
sounds like we’re talking a year from now,
at best.

Fm: Walt Kennamer—Fox 74025,514
To: Greg Dunn 73007,1224 (X)
Hard for me to say. This is all
hypothetical, of course, but I would think
it would be several months at a minimum.
I think we will do one evantually, but I am
not going to even hint at a time frame.

Fm: Jay Roberts 72571,647
To: Jeff Winchell 76066,533 (X)
...It is frustrating, though, to have this
environment that works so well and is so
powerful and friendly, but has such a big
hole in it - xbase management. It’s got
Word for Windows, Excel, Pagemaker,
drawing programs... everything I need ex-
cept a solid, fast Foxpro.
...Anyway, using these Windows apps
doesn’t “make” me work better, but it sure
_let’s_ me work better. For a start, I’m
doing things people have done in
Desqview for years I never got into
Desqview because it was so technically
intimidating to me, but I’m doing these
things in Windows by just doing them - no
esoteric tweaking (although I’m sure
that’ll come). Plus Windows adds inter-
program possibilities between Windows
apps that Desqview couldn’t.
The example I gave earlier is still the
most mind-blowing so far: Superbase 4
comes with a WFW template that, on
opening, finds SB4, starts it if it’s not run-
ning already, opens a name-and-address
database, and inserts the name and ad-
dress from the first record in the
template’s letter. On Word’s menus, the
template adds options to skip forward and
backward in the database, change in-
dexes, search for a particular record, etc.
These capabilities have powerful applica-
tion for my business and users to make
their jobs easier and the computer more
friendly and useful.

Fm: Martin Schlff 74405,1076
To: Anne E. Pruitt 72335,777 (X)
You can run Windows 3.0 in real
mode with QEMM, or 386ttm, but not in
any other mode (enhanced 386 or stand-

Fm: Mark Vodhanel 72456,463
To: Sonny Toblas 70741,1732 (X)
Sonny, I’m certainly not speaking for
Jay, but! find your question an interesting
one since one of the selling points of Fox-
Pro has been the fact that it is character
based, and will thus be a faster performer.
Right now, I am of the opinion that a
WIN3 version of FoxPro would be a bet-