Windows 3.0 is now off my disk and
sitting down in the stacks in the basement
with the other, earlier versions of Win-
I’d much rather see the long promised
version of OS/2 that will let us run multi-
pie sessions, etc. and a version of
FoxPRO for that platform. But if wishes
were dollars we’d all be billionaires. g

Fm: Wayne Reynolds 76424,2707
To: Pat Adams 75146,3121 (X)
Talk about perfect timing!! I just got
done installing Windows 3.0 and was
poking around in the manual to see how
much memory Windows can give FoxPro
to run when I started reading this thread.
Is there really NO way to run FoxPro
from within Windows and give it more
640k to work with? -Wayne-
Repty 19682

Fm: Pat Adams 75146,3121
To: Wayne Reynolds 76424,2707
You can’t even give it 640k. Windows
3.0 will only let each window be as large
as the amount of 640k DOS that remains
afteryou have booted your computer and
loaded all the “necessities.” By the time
memory required for DOS itself various
drivers, etc. has been grabbed you will
have much less than 640k left since you
can’t use QEMM and LOAD HI if you
are going to run Windows 3.0.

Fm: Damon Glnbey 73637,3555
To: Greg Dunn 73007,1224 (X)
Greg I don’t think you will find much
opposition to GUI’s here, since I assume
that’s why most of us chose FP over some
dot-prompt xBase platform. Of course
there will always be people who are much
more comfortable at the c prompt than
with icons (and some who will always use
Wordstar). Most people, however, are
just more productive with pictures. Like
painting a screen with a mouse versus
coding SAY GETS. No contest.
I know Pat and others are upset about
Windows 3.0 and QEMM/LOADHI,
but that would not be a problem if FP
were a Winapp. Who would care about
preserving 640K (what a prehistoric con-
cept)? It simply wouldn’t be an issue. The
problem is mixing Winapps with non-

F m: Damon Gin bey 736 37,3555
T : Greg Dunn 3007,1 224
J st read in the J ulyissu of PCCom-
putii g that dBFast Windo is allows you
to n compile existin g dBas applications
so th ey will run in windo i unchanged,
plus you can mcx ify the m to include
stan lard Window inter ace controls
suct as checkbox s but ons, pop-up
men is, and multi ple win lows. Sound
fami iar?