The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
May 1995
Out and About (Con't from page 4)

some of the vendors who have signed on to the
“Codebook Compliant/Compatible” methodologies
mentioned in the April edition of the LA Fox Devel-
oper. These companies include Cascade Interactive
Designs (CapCon), Great Elk (contact management
software), Hentzenwerke (FoxZen), Korenthal Asso-
ciates (PhDbase), MicroMega (FoxFire!) Neon
Software (FoxExpress), Performance Dynamics
(RAIDAR), and SBT Corporation (accounting soft-

To quote from their newsletter:

“There will be two types of Codebook 3.0 Certifica-
tion. If a product is certified as ‘Codebook Compli-
ant’, it will mean that it utilizes the methodologies,
class libraries, standard data dictionary extensions,
and general architecture contained in Codebook. A
‘Codebook Compatible’ product will include in its
documentation the method for integrating the prod-
uct into a Codebook application and will also hook
directly into the Codebook extended data dictionary.
Each product will be evaluated and certified by Flash
and will bear an apprcpriate logo.”

This may be, as mentioned in last month’s LA Devel-
oper, a good turn of events. On the other hand, I
can’t help but think about Tom Rettig’s comment (at
last month’s meeting) on how it might be too soon
yet to embrace a single methodology. We’ll have to
wait and see on this one.

Randy Brown, co-author with Lisa Slater on FoxPro
MAChete, has joined the Microsoft team as project
manager for FoxPro Mac. Bill Anderson, one of our
members, knows a little more about him. According
to Bill, “Well, he’s been one of the few Mac consult-
ants for as long as I can remember. He’s extremely
knowledgeable on FoxPro. I think he’s been a
speaker at every DevCon, certainly most of them.
He’s one bright guy and will be a real asset to
Microsoft (IMO).”

Also from Bill Anderson, “The latest on dDay
Borland, SBT and Neon Software has signed up for
booths, with Microsoft soon to follow. Speakers
Currently slated are Ken Levy, Paul Heiser, Tom
Rettig, Mike Feltman. Borland will speak about
dBase for Windows and Delphi. Microsoft will be
there but their plans have not been finalized yet.”
Candy Machine Interfaces
by Michael Cummings

Steve Maguire in his book “Writing Solid Code”
compared the candy machines at Microsoft to buggy
code. He said: “I’d plunk in my quarters, press 4 and
then 5 on the selection keypad, and watch in horror
as the machine spit out jalapeno flavored bubble
gum instead of the Grandma’s Peanut Butter Cookie
I thought I had asked for. Of course, the machine
was right and I was wrong - number 45 was the
gum. A quick look at the little sign by the cookie
would always verify my mistake: No. 21, 45 cents.”

How are these vending machines like buggy code?
The candy machine encouraged mistakes. People
would be thinking 45 cents as they entered the
selection codes. He suggested using an alphabetic
keypad instead, entirely preventing the “bug.”

Steve said that many of the standard C library
functions and functions modeled on them are just as
poorly thought out as those candy machines.

“getchar Gets an int, of Course”

“Programmers... can write code that appears to work
correctly even though it’s flawed. Its not until weeks
or months later that the code crashes unexpectedly
because, as in the sinking of the Titanic, a precise
series of improbable events takes place and leads to

The problem is that the design of the functions did
not lead “programmers to write correct code, [such
functions] lead the programmer to ignore the error

This is not just a C language problem, the same
problem exists regardless of the language. I once
worked on a large project in Access and after sev-
eral months we found mysterious bugs in the sys-
tem. Mysterious, that is, until we found that one
progammer was routinely ignoring error return codes
from functions. His code assumed that everything
worked, so his program would be ‘walking wounded,’
unaware, for instance, that someone else had a
record locked. Worse yet, when the error value he
had not checked for was numeric, but his code
expected characters, the whole program crashed,
(Con't page 6)
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